Page 31 of Syndicate Mayhem
“Let's go to the kitchen. I’ll have your food ready soon.” She smiled as she passed me, making a beeline for the kitchen, and I was not one to pass up a meal at Nana’s. The boys would just have to wait.
Smirking, I looked around, trying to find one of their little peeping devices. As she held open the door to the kitchen, she smirked and asked, “You looking for el pájaro’s juguete? I told him no. He can’t stick things on my walls! No. Take his pequeño acecho juguete and put it afuera.” She motioned to the outside.
I threw my arms around her, hugging her tight as I whispered, “Only you, Nana. Sólo tu.”
She patted my back before she called out, “Chicko! Trae su plato!” Then she turned to me. “Siéntate, siéntate. Comer algo de comida.”
Following orders, I sat down in the corner where she had a small two-person table waiting. It didn't take long for a steaming plate of chilaquiles to appear, and I dug into it like an animal. Nana sat down across from me, two milky white glasses in hand as she slid one over to me. I licked my lips, ready to gulp down myhorchata when Nana pulled out a few mini bottles of rum and poured one in each.
“Lo hace mejor.” I nodded, knowing that you never disagree with her unless you want to fight it all the way, with the possibility of getting kicked out . . . and you never wanted that.
We both took a drink at the same time, the sweet cinnamon paired with the sharp caramel and vanilla notes of the rum was perfect. Warming my belly and my soul.
After I took a few more bites, I spoke up. “So, do you have any idea what the boys are up to?”
She huffed, taking a long drink before responding. “Those traviesos came in telling me they were doing a buscar y encontrar for you.” She wiggled her brows at me with a crooked smile, “Es muy romantico.”
I huffed and rolled my eyes. “Sure. Make me go trouncing all over the city just to get a present. Super romantic.”
She scoffed, snapping the towel over her shoulder out at me, hitting me with it. “You can’t hide from me, mijita. La emoción, la anticipación. I know that deep, deep down you know it is.” She winked at me, and I pursed my lips to the side before I nodded, not wanting to say it out loud, even if I knew she was right.
I was Rayla Desmond. I couldn't be caught getting all giddy and googly about my mates putting in some extra effort for me. I also didn't know what it was, and that was slowly killing me. The only reason I’m not raising hell was because my mates put a lot ofwork into this. The notes, the clues, making sure I was distracted while they prepped. It was all quite impressive.
Scarfing down my last few bites, I nodded. “You're right, Nana, like always.” She beamed at that until I followed with, “So, can you tell me where they hid the note and clue?”
“Ey chingasos!” She threw up her hands to the ceiling, and I tried my hardest not to laugh. “If you weren't my favorite . . . .” She folded her arms, throwing her chin in the direction of a chip warmer. “That's it! Es todo! You use that big, strong, boss chica brain of yours to figure the rest out.”
It didn't take long to see a note and a piece of see-through fabric taped to the back of the machine, and I tore it down, opening the note and devouring its contents.
Wild One,
It has been enjoyable setting this up for you. I find that with each day that passes, I am learning more and more about the things I do and don't like outside of the lab. I have you to thank for that.
While I might not have wanted a mate, my neutralizer, when I met you, I thank the universe for giving you to me all the same. I know now that my life would be dull and lifeless without you. Even with you getting under my skin and poking at my need for things to be just right, I find that when I don't have you around me, bugging me, I miss it.
Figure out the clue soon as the next will be your last stop before we get to see you again. Waiting is such sweet sorrow.
Your mate,
Falcon Winstale
P.S. Don't be too mad at me for the magical bond coverage. It will be gone by the time you see us again, but we knew you would try to use it to find us. It's smart, but also cheating.
I swear, if I didn't train myself to keep my feelings locked up tight, tears would be falling down right now. He may not think that I know, but I do. I know how hard it was for him to write something like this, and it made my heart pound faster.
A rising need to see my mates and attack their faces with mine was slowly becoming a thrumming need, an ache for them was building in the worst of ways. I needed to focus on the game, then I could devour them with all my might.
I clutched the shiny piece of fabric in my hand. Of course, Falcon’s clue was not blatant or obvious. He just had to be the difficult one that followed the rules. I ran my thumb along the silky fibers, trying to figure out where I had seen this before.
It was buttery soft, so smooth that it was pleasant to the touch. It gave off a warmth without being thick or coarse. It was slightly see-through, giving it the illusion of coverage without actually covering anything. I twisted it around, the shiny strands sparkling in the light, giving off a kind of glitz and glamor to it.
I got it! I remembered the last time I saw this kind of fabric. It’s the same kind of fabric that Veshta uses for her curtains on her stage. Not the first or last ones, but the middle ones. The ones she had when she was putting on a sexy show.
Kissing Nana on the cheek, I ran out the door. “Tell the mojito’s I say hi!” She said to my back, laughing as she hollered, “And give each one a beso from Nana!”
As soon as I parked my bike in front of her place, her door man came up to me, hand out. “I will keep the bike running, Miss Rayla. Veshta is expecting you.”
I nodded, not taking a moment to ask him how he knew any of that, knowing that Veshta had her voodoo magic way of knowing everything and planning for it.