Page 60 of Syndicate Mayhem
“Right. Right.” She mumbled around a mouthful of fries as she still watched the sidewalk like her father was going to pop back over and say just kidding.
I circled my arms around her back, circling her belly as I gave her a few kisses on her shoulder before resting my head there. “They’re big boys. They can handle the dads without you.”
She pulled away, quickly circled around, and shoved her head into my chest as her free hand clutched at my shirt. “We’re going to be okay, right? Tell me that everything is going to be fine.”
I grabbed her shoulders, meaning to face her, but she wouldn't budge. She suddenly opened her side of the bond, and her emotions rapidly flew into me. Her worries about the baby being healthy and labor going smoothly. Her concern that everything in our lives will change, and we will all start to be different with each other. Stressing about how to be a good mom when she barely remembered hers. Her anxiety about raising a happy child in our lifestyle. Her fear that once we find out whose child it was, the others would resent her, resent the baby.
All of that flooded me, choked me with her unease, making any words of comfort I had stick in my throat. My only option was to show her, and I gripped on to her tighter, letting her know physically that I was not going anywhere. That seemed to help, her overpowering emotions eased, and I was able to spit out what I wanted to say.
“Thank you for sharing that with me. I know that's not easy for you.” Her grip tightened, her body shaking as she looked up at me, and tears flooded her eyes.
That one look shattered me into pieces. Rayla hardly ever cried, and if she did, it was mainly in frustration, but this was desperation. I cupped her face gently, the water that filled those beautiful rose gold eyes spilled over, and I gently kissed the tears away.
“Everything will be fine. We’ll make sure of it. You are going to be an amazing mother because if you care this much now, just imagine how much you will care when this baby,” I rested my hand on her stomach, “comes out.” I gave her a gentle, soft kiss on her lips. “As for our lifestyle . . . well, we all turned out fine, and we only had one of those insane fuckers each watching over us. This baby is not only going to have the most amazing mother but five protective fathers and four psycho grandfathers. All of that love and support has to mean they’re going to be a little spoiled shit.”
She puffed out a shaky laugh, her eyes clearing as I felt her worries start to evaporate. “As for the rest of us. I shouldn’t speak for the others, but I can confidently say that we all love you beyond what that word means, and this baby is not going to change that love, only strengthen it.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but I cut her off with a kiss, resting my head on hers as I breathed out against her lips, “And just because you like to prepare for the worst case scenario, I would be so incredibly lucky if any of those men bowed out, and I could have you and our child to myself . . . but I’m very confident that I’m not that lucky.” She slapped my chest, laughing again as she half-heartedly glared at me.
“And I think those other bastards think just like me about the situation so . . . I don't think you have anything to worry about.” She sighed into me, hugging me as she balanced the fries in one hand because, God forbid, she let those go.
“Thank you, Cosy.” She let happiness and love fill the bond, and I sighed back into her, both of us basking in our loving embrace.
“Oh!” Rayla jerked, placing her hand on her belly, and I looked down at her in concern.
“What's wrong? Is it the baby? Do we need to call the doctor?” I pulled out my phone when she grabbed my free hand and placed it on her belly. It took a few seconds, and I was just about to ask her what she was doing when I felt a bump hit my hand.
My eyes widened as I shoved my phone in my pocket and placed both hands on her belly, staying very still as I waited. She giggled just as I felt another kick and another. My heart froze, and my breath stalled. That was my baby. My baby was kicking me.
“Do you hear your Apá, baby?” Rayla cooed, and I stared at her in wonder. Apá was what we heard all the kids use for “dad” when we lived with Nana.
The baby kicked again, and a pure shot of joy sliced through me. I didn't realize it until she said it, but that was what I wanted to be called. That was how I wanted this baby to know me as. Apá.
“Yes, baby, yes. Apá is here and will take good care of your mommy so you will be born healthy and happy.” I felt a rapid succession of kicks, and I smiled, grabbing Rayla and giving her a long, passionate kiss. “I think the baby agrees with me.”
She nodded, about to say something, when her eyes widened, and she blurted out, “I have to pee!”
We both looked around for the nearest restroom when we heard a voice, “Rayla! Your order’s ready!”
My phone rang, and I saw it was Ternin. I was worried something happened, so I picked it up. His voice was void of emotion, yet held a silent note of urgency. “You guys need to come home.”
I wasn't able to get a word in when he was followed by a snarky voice in the background, one that could only belong to Syris. “Do they know they are ruining the baby shower I just put together? So help me, if they are having sex, I am going to flip the fuck out!”
It switched back to a calm Ternin, “I would think it would be wise to come home now.”
I looked at Rayla, who was now dancing around looking as she sang, “gotta go, gotta go.” The food stall lady looked at us, holding four big bags of food as she called out for us again. Syriswas in the background complaining, “You already made the baby, why the fuck are you all so horny all the time?”
Avery’s voice cut in, “Stop it! You arenotallowed to comment on our sex life anymore, you hear me!?”
“Oh! Someone’s got a mate and now thinks he’s a big, bad mister man.”
I looked around, being pulled into so many directions at once, and I realized this was my future, forever and ever.
Fucking Hell.
Chapter 6
With the due dateonly two weeks away, you would think that everything was smooth sailing. Nursery built? Check. Got all the baby crap you need? Check. Do you know where the hospital was, what was the birth plan? Double check.