Page 64 of Syndicate Mayhem
This was horrible! Why would human women go through this?! I'm a tough chick, but this whole thing sucks. Throwing up, being sick at random times, feeling sore, hormones raging, wanting certain foods so bad you’re willing to kill someone for it, then taking a bite and feeling full. All of that craziness was just the precipice to having to go through this horrendous experience they call labor.
“It looks like it's a big contraction. Hold our hands and squeeze if it's too much,” Cosmo’s calm voice said as he watched the monitor. I was about to yell at him that I could fucking feel that, but instead, my words came out choppy and deep.
“You . . . this . . . your . . . fault. All of . . . you . . . made me . . . like this.” I squeezed down hard on the hands that were holding mine. As soon as the contraction stopped, I could breathe again, and I let go, falling back in the bed.
Avery stepped back as he shook his hand, trying to smile through the pain as he said, “Still got that strength of a vampire.” I grinned at his pain. They should all have to feel fucking something, bastards.
I heard arguing outside the door, and a few escalated voices, before the door opened and in walked my dad and my father-in-laws. “Sunshine! I’m her-”
Syris surged forward as he blurted, “You amazing, wonderful woman! After all of this is over,” he waved his hand at the bed I was currently in, “I want to give you a push gift! Tell me what you want!”
I narrowed my eyes on him, his smiling face falling with each passing second until he turned toward the guys. “It's called a “push gift”, right? I looked it up on the internet and everything.”
“That's it! Out. All of you.” Avery stalked up toward his dad, waving him to leave the room.
“See what you did?! You got us kicked out!” My dad screeched out.
“Ya. That's the only reason we’re being kicked out.” Easton’s monotone sarcastic voice rang and I had to admit, he wasn't wrong.
My dad turned toward me as my mates were trying to shoo him along. “I didn't do anything, I should get to stay.”
Cosmo got up without me having to ask. “Nope. All of you. In the sitting area. One of us will let you know when the baby is here.” They boxed out the dads from my view as they shuffled them slowly toward the door.
My dad was not used to not getting his way and continued. “Rayla, these rascals are the ones who did this to you. I think you should kick them out!”
I opened my mouth, but Falcon turned, arms crossed as his voice rang out in cold authority, “We heard you outside arguing with the staff, threatening and bribing them until the doctor came and said you could have five minutes, as long as you did not aggravate the situation.” He looked down at his watch. “Five minutes is over, and the situation is aggravated.”
“Easton, you better get a rein in your boy,” My dad said, a last ditch effort to stay, and I almost laughed.
Easton rolled his eyes, nodded to Manic, and they both grabbed onto Ternin and Syris. “We’ll be sitting outside. Just let us know when you're ready. We all want to see our new grandbaby.” I nodded, letting the calm ones of the group know that I agree and we will, just not until everything was cleaned up and ready. Knowing my dad, he would want to be here the whole time, and Syris would be right up my vag, just waiting for the child to pop out. That was some emotional trauma I just didn't want to deal with.
Ax came to my side, mumbling about how they're all psychos, then smiled at me and kissed my head. “We’re here for you, Siren. We’re not going anywhere.”
It was sweet, and my heart did melt a bit, until another ripple of pain hit me, and I squeezed down on Ax’s hand as I mashed my teeth together. I could tell this one was a big one.
As soon as it subsided, I let go, and Ax cried out, “Holy fuck, you were not wrong, Avery.” He looked at his hand, cradling it for a second as he whispered more to himself than anyone in the room, “I think she broke a finger.” I was about to yell at him that at least his body would be able to heal it right away, but I couldn’t when I felt another one coming on.Can’t a girl catch a break here?!
The contractions started to come on strong and frequent, all four of my mates taking turns holding my hand and letting me hurt them because I confessed it made me feel better. Made it seem like they were in this with me if they hurt, too.
A nurse came in and checked on me, not saying anything when she left, and that was odd. That was until the doctor came rushing in. “All right! Looks like your baby dropped, and you're ready to start.”
Looking around at my mates, I was panicked because Lex still wasn't here. He wasn’t fucking here. Water clouded my eyes as I begged one of them to do something. I wanted all of them here with me. I shook my head, the tears falling from my eyes. I couldn’t do this without him.
I mumbled out, tears free flowing like I couldn't stop them if I wanted. “I can’t. No. Not yet.”
The doctor looked at the guys in concern before clearing his throat. “Rayla, we need to do this now. Your body-”
The door swung open, and a familiar dark head of hair with short horns came barging in. “My rose! Wait for me! I’m here!” The whole room was quiet, other than the beeping of the machines, and a collective sigh came out from my mates. It seems they were just as affected as I was at Lex’s absence.
Love, relief, anger, panic, all flooded me. I was sure I looked like a madwoman, hair all a mess and tear tracks down my face, but I didn't care. Lex was finally here.
I chucked my pillow at him. “Where thefuckwere you?!”
Lex caught the fucking pillow, smiling at me. “I dont think it's the right time for a pillow fight, my rose, but I will do it if you want me to.”
I let out an angry, relieved laugh until another contraction hit, and I was unable to speak, only glare at him. Silently, I told myself that I was going to raise hell at him later. Right now, our baby was coming, and I had all my mates with me. Everything was going to be okay.
“All right, Rayla. Are you ready, now? Because you're going to need to push.” I gritted down, nodding, as I bellowed out and pushed.