Page 68 of Syndicate Mayhem
I gave her an honest answer, curious to find out what she was doing. “Only a few seconds ago . . . why?”
She immediately scribbled down into her small notebook, using her air magic to flip the page. “I’ve been trying different spying techniques to find out which one is the most noticed. I’m finding it also depending's on the species and age.”
What she was doing sounded very familiar, so I asked her, “Why are you stalking your family?”
She slowly turned towards me, her face dead serious as she replied, “I need to know their weaknesses if I'm going to keep them safe. Family is everything, so it must be protected, right?”
I closed my eyes for a second, realizing that I understood my mage daughter better than anyone else. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I nodded, knowing exactly where she was coming from. “You know what, you're right. Just like you have to know your enemy, you need to know your allies just as well.”
Deciding to help her out, I whispered, “Did you know your father has a nervous twitch when he is talking about something he isn’t a hundred percent sure of?” She shook her head and flipped to another page, telling me to go on.
I thought for a second. “Your Apá always orders mint chocolate ice cream, but his real favorite is strawberry.”
Her eyes widened. “Then why does he get it?”
Smirking, I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms. “Because your mother’s second favorite is mint chocolate, and he doesn't want her to miss out on it.”
She wrote that down in her notebook, muttering to herself, “You guys are head over heels for Mommy. She’s your weakness.”
She was partially correct, but I had to correct her. “Maybe, but she’s so strong that she lends us her strength. She gives us the will and power to go through hard stuff and make it out the other end all right. That's a powerful kind of love. Something you can’t take away easily.”
Writing down the last thing in her notebook, she hugged my leg. “Soul mates. I think that's what they call soul mates, Daddy. And you're lucky to have found yours.” I bent over, hugging her as best as I could. Even with her analyzing, stalking, and figuring out the best information to have, she had the softest heart of all five, deep, deep down. Once you got there, she was just a mush ball looking for a fairytale.
I kept my eyes closed as I was still hugging her, never wanting to let go. “Yes, sweetheart?”
“Next time, clean your shoes better. You missed a spot with the werewolf blood on it.” I looked down, and sure enough, there was one splatter of blood. Shit. Can’t get nothing past her.
“Don’t tell Mommy.” I really didn't want to hear another lecture about what was appropriate for this stage of life for our kids. We all agreed to give our children a time of innocence. A time where they could just be kids. Once they turned thirteen, they would start training and shadowing each of us to find out where they fit the best.
She smirked as her cheeks flushed. “Okay. Promise.” I kissed her head, knowing that she had a healthy dose of crazy, but she was smart about it, so she would be just fine. Just adding another loonie one in the bunch. Speaking as one of those loonies, I feel like we have more fun, sooooo. . . it’s fine.
A crash sounded upstairs, followed by Ax bellowing, “Nova! Did you just piss and shit in my new shoes?!”
All I heard were nails flying across the marble at her quick escape, and she ran down the stairs as fast as her paws could take her. His lumbering feet sounded after her, and knowing Ax, he would catch her soon, so she better be prepared.
Just as she hit the last step, Manic scooped up the pup and cradled her into his arms. “I’ll save you, little one,” he whispered. She settled in his arms just as Ax appeared at the top of the stairs. Manic turned away slowly, pretending to be very interested in a painting on the wall, trying to keep Nova hidden.
Ax passed Manic, looking around quickly as he ran into the other wing looking for her. Ax was trying to potty train Nova, but it was proving to be more difficult then he originally thought.
Manic was shaking in laughter as he let Nova go, telling her to tear up his bedding next. Her tongue rolled out as she took off running in that direction.
At the same time, Avery came in the door just as Syris walked in with Aniyah on his shoulders but with her mouth covered in chocolate.
“Aniyah! Where did you get that candy?!” Rayla gasped. I don't know if it's because Rayla was worried Aniyah found her stash or if it was because Papu Syris gave her too much candy.
“Papu! Papu gave it to me. He said I got some because I’m a pretty girl.” Aniyah explained with her whole face, throwing those hands in the air again and making my heart skip. She was a little dare devil like her mother, and it was going to give me a heart attack.
Rayla glared at Syris, who whined, “She’s just so darn cute?! How do you expect me to keep candy in my pockets with such adorable grandchildren?” Rayla rolled her eyes. She was constantly telling us how Aniyah was playing us all, but we just ignored it.
As soon as she saw Avery, her wings fluttered fast as she yelped out, “Papa! Papa! Give me a hug and kiss!” She wiggled her butt, and Syris took her down off his shoulders with a disappointing sigh. She went running into Avery’s arms, throwing her armsaround him, and he closed his eyes tight, basking in her glorious glow of happiness.
“Oh, man, Aniyah, you give the best hugs! How did you get so good?” He snuggled with her for a second before she pulled away.
“That's because I practice, Papa. I give all the hugs to all the boys.” The whole room went quiet, the men outweighing the women as we were stunned at her words.
“What boys? Who are you talking about, lovely?” Avery’s voice was sugary sweet, and yet, clipped as his hand closed into a fist.