Page 50 of From the Ashes
The thought that she might not be on this earth anymore terrifies me.
Folding my arms over my chest, I feel like I am hyperventilating while I watch on hopelessly as they feel for her pulse. The EMT looks to the other and shakes his head.
The other EMT presses down and shocks Makaylie.
It happens so quickly.
Her body jolts into the air.
Her head flies to the side, and a torrent of water gushes out of her mouth as she coughs and splutters. Rolling onto her side, the water expels from her body. Her eyes flutter open, and my chest heaves as I feel the relief of her coming back to me from the brink of certain death. I rush to cradle her head in my lap as I lean down, kissing her head frantically, her wet hair tickling my lips.
It’s like the heavens have given me a second shot.
They gave her back to me.
Normally, the devil in me sings when I watch someone die.
But watching Makaylie die right before my eyes, the devil in me was rabid at the thought of losing my woman. I would have given my life for hers in an instant.
Having Makaylie back only makes me even surer that the devil needs to be locked behind the gates of hell because this heaven I’m in right now is far too blissful to be lost again.
I need her.
I can’t lose her.
Not again.
If ending my time with the Bachelors means being with Makaylie safely, then I will do anything to make that happen.
“Oh, God, baby, you scared the hell out of me,” I murmur through kisses as she continues to cough while the EMTs run some checks over her.
I look at one of the EMTs and say, “Thanks.”
“I’m glad we got her back. I hate to have to do this, but if you could let her go, we can check her over more easily and get her to the hospital for observation to make sure she doesn’t still drown.”
I furrow my brows and nod, but I’m somewhat confused. “Drown?”
“There could be water in her lungs. We need the doctors to examine and assess her right away. She’ll be hospitalized for a brief stay.”
Nodding, I grab her hand and move some hair from her face as she zones in and out of consciousness. “It’s okay, little dove. Everything will be okay.”
I’d never been more worried.
Makaylie passed outon the ambulance ride, and they had to put a breathing mask on and kept checking her vitals as she zoned in and out of consciousness. She never spoke a word, and they warned me about possible brain damage from the lack of oxygen. I texted Rodberg to tell him and Joey to meet us at the hospital.
This is where I am now, in Makaylie’s room, watching over her.
The doctors cleared her from severe brain damage with testing, but how badly this has affected her, we won’t know for sure until she wakes up.
I sit by her bed, stroking her hand as the door opens to her room. I look up at Rodberg and Joey walking in with frowns on their faces. My muscles are tense as Rodberg winces. Joey looks at Makaylie and bursts into tears.
“Oh, God, Kaylie.What thehelldidyoudo, Cain?” she yells, running to Makaylie’s side and placing her hands on Makaylie’s legs.
Rodberg comes in, closing the door behind him, and steps up behind me as I nod to him. I know he’s part of the Bachelors, and I know they came after us, but he’s the only one of them I trust my life with. He has our interests at heart. I know that unequivocally. He won’t tell them we’re here. No way. It’s not in his best interest either—it’s not where his loyalties lie.
“This wasn’t me, Joey. I pulled her from the river. I called the ambulance—”