Page 68 of From the Ashes
“You sure you’re good?”
He slaps my back. “Let’s get this fucker.”
We take off to the top of the stairs, glancing left, then right. Both halls are dark, but there is the faint flickering of candlelight to the right. I tilt my head, not saying anything, and Hurricane nods in agreement. We edge slowly down the hall, guns drawn. My breath increases, my heart rate fast and frantic as the floor beneath us groans with our weight.
We move to the room where the light is coming from. Slowly, I turn into the room, my gun aimed high as I glance around, trying to see if anyone is there. Hurricane follows behind me as we scope out the area. Candles flicker in a circle, and there are more by the window near the almost completely disintegrated curtains.
Tattered mattresses line the floor.
Five of them.
There’s even a little stove-type set up, with food cans and drink bottles. It looks like Trap and some others have been living here since the Bachelors were taken down.
Suddenly, the door to the room slams shut. Hurricane and I snap our heads around to see Killian and Christophe, the two guards from the Bachelors, standing there with fucking machine guns aimed at us.
“Fuck,” I murmur as Hurricane glances at me.
A chuckle starts behind us, and the thumping sound of footsteps causes us to turn. Morgan and Alfie walk out from behind a medical partition, shaking their heads at me.
It’s Morgan who is the first to speak. “You sold us out to the Feds, Cain.You!Of all people. First,youtry to leave us for some fucking stupid woman, and thenyourat us out?”
Alfie throws his hands in the air. “Now you come in here with your biker buddies and expect to what? Stop us from reforming the Bachelors?”
Raising my brow, I can’t stop the smirk from forming on my lips. “You think you’re going to reform the Bachelors? What? Just you four?”
Unexpectantly, a blast reverberates through the room, the wood at my feet exploding with the force of a bullet punching into it. I jerk back in shock, my breath catching at the unexpected shot being fired at me.
Trap is walking my way, waving a gun around like a damn maniac. “They need a leader, Cain. Someone whoiswilling to do the shit you wouldn’t. I always knew you weren’t up to being in charge. And with Hattrick out of the picture, it leaves me to get the Bachelors back up and running.” His smirk is that of a madman. It’s quite fitting, considering where we are. “I mean, I knew I was always destined for great things. It would have been better if I had my wife by my side, but some fucking biker club took her from me,” he states before unloading another round by Hurricane’s feet.
He steps back, letting out a low growl, his hands balling into fists.
“The Feds will be all over your ass if you restart the Bachelors, Trap. There’s no way you will get away with this,” I tell him.
He chuckles, stepping up to me and pressing the butt of his gun to my temple. “Oh Cain, you think the politicians, judges, celebrities, even the fucking cops that were members of the Bachelors are going to let this all go without a fight? They thrived.They need us. You may think that just because they took out Hattrick, the organization is dead and buried, but I can assure you, it’s still very much alive. Simmering under the surface, just waiting until the dayIcan take back the throne that is rightfully mine!”
“Why wait? Why haven’t you snatched it up the second they took Hattrick in and processed him? If you’re so power-hungry and eager for the Bachelors to reform, then why the hell are you hiding out in an asylum?”
He presses the butt of the gun to my temple harder. “Because I was waiting for this moment… I need to take the trash out before I can start a clean house.”
“And I’m the trash?” I smirk.
“Ding, ding, ding… we have a winner! I would have gone after your precious Makaylie, but you have her so heavily guarded that I knew all I had to do was to sit and bide my time for you to come find me. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist. You’reso fucking predictable, Cain.”
“You know, Trap, the entire reason we call you that is because of that fuck-ugly rat’s tail. It’s like a dead rat in a trap.”
He lowers his gun and takes a step back, glowering at me. “Do you have a point before I put a bullet between your eyes?”
My eyes shift to something moving on the railing beside me. My heart rate increases as I glance back at him. “I do… what’s the one thing that likes to eat rats?” I ask.
He jerks his head back like he’s confused by my question. “The fuck are you going on about?”
“Snakes… the answer is snakes.”
He scrunches his face up in confusion as to where I’m going with this, but I spin as fast as I can, reaching up to the rafters, grabbing the cottonmouth snake by the tail, and swinging it with as much force as I can before it spins to grab me.
I throw the snake directly at Trap, its mouth opening, its fangs preparing to bite. Trap doesn’t even have a second to register before the snake latches firmly onto Trap’s throat. He stumbles back, trying to pull it off him as it injects the venom straight into his neck.
Hurricane and I move lightning fast.