Page 32 of Notorious
He snorts out like he is disgusted by me merely speaking. “What d’ya need?”
“Honestly, I’m not really sure that I’m even at the right place, to be fair. I just saw your shop and wondered if you might be able to help me. I got my bike a little while back, but it keeps losing power, and I can’t seem to find the issue. I’m not well-versed on how a Harley works, so I don’t even really know where to start look—”
“Listen, darlin’, you need a mechanic, not an auto parts shop. I don’t know what you’re expecting me to do, coming in here with this bullshit story—”
“Joe, cut her some slack. Geez, man. You gotta work on those customer service skills, brother,” Noah defends, playing right into my hands.
I look at Noah with a weak smile as Joe scoffs some unintelligible response.
“I’m gonna go get your order, Noah. Lady, Ican’thelp you,” he grunts out, then storms out the back of his shop.
Letting out a long exhale, I fold my arms over my chest. “Well, I guess that’s that then. Thank you, Noah, for trying to help. Guess I’ll try to find someone who specializes in Harleys.”
He shrugs as I turn, walking for the door, hoping like hell he is not going to let me walk out.
“Hey… I didn’t get your name?”
Smiling to myself, I spin back around and walk back over to him, placing out my hand. “Haven. Nice to meet you, Noah. And thanks for being a decent human, unlike Joe.”
He rocks his head to the side like he’s debating the thoughts running through his mind. “Look, I’m probably going to get my ass handed to me for this, but I’m from LA Defiance MC. We have a couple of brothers who specialize in mechanics at the clubhouse. I could put in a call to see if they could help you out?”
Widening my eyes to feign shock, I let out a small laugh. “Wait, did you say LA Defiance? Do you know… wait! What was his name again? Um… I think he said, Alpha?”
Noah chuckles, tilting his head. “You could say that. How doyouknow Alpha?”
“Ahh… we met in a bar. Gears. Do you know it?”
“Yeah, I know it. Alpha goes there to unwind sometimes. Let me call him, tell him about your situation, and see if he is okay with you coming back to the clubhouse to get your bike looked at. If you want to, that is?”
Smiling wide, I bite down on my bottom lip and nod. “Okay, yeah. It would be cool to see Alpha again.”
Noah snorts out a laugh like he knows precisely what went down between Alpha and me, and he turns, pulling out his cell,then walks over to the other side of the room to make the call. Of course, my plan hinges on Alpha wanting to see me again. I haven’t calculated a contingency where he says no. I don’t have a backup plan. So I better hope I made a big enough impression on him, even though that was never my intention at the time.
Noah glances over his shoulder while still talking on the cell as I pretend to look at spare parts on the wall. Then, abruptly, he ends the call and walks over to me with a cheeky, boyish smile. “Alpha says you can follow me back to the clubhouse. He was real shocked to hear I had run into you.”
“Good shocked, I hope?”
Noah chuckles when Joe rounds the counter, holding a box, and hands it to Noah. “Everything Maverick ordered should be in there. Tell that fucker next time he places an order not to expect a rush on everything. I’m not fucking Dumbledore. I can’t pull shit out of a talking hat.”
Noah furrows his brows. “I don’t think that’s how that worked inHarry Potter, but I will make sure to tell Maverick for you.”
“Good. See that you do.” Joe turns to face me, a snarl evident on his lips. “Why are you still here? I told you I couldn’t help you.”
Raising my hands, I spin toward the door. “Okay, I’m leaving. Just so you know, your fly is undone, and I can see why you’re so fucking grumpy. I would be too, if my cock was as small as yours.”
Noah widens his eyes, visibly trying to hold in his laugh.
Joe snaps his eyes to his open fly and rushes to zip himself up. “You’re nothin’ but a fuckin—”
“Don’t go finishing that sentence, Joe. The club doesn’t tolerate trash-talking women. One word to Alpha, and he’ll take our business elsewhere.”
Joe huffs, storming out the back of the shop.
I turn to Noah, raising my brow. “I don’t need no fuckingknight in shining armor, you know?” I tell him, opening the door of the auto shop. Noah follows behind me, box in his hands, chuckling to himself.
He walks beside me, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh, I know. I can tell you’re a badass.”