Page 104 of In The Game
“What? Can’t I say how perfect he is?” She sniffles and wipes her face of the tears she’s failing to hold back. “He’s so big and so smart and wonderful!”
She’s not mad?I was terrified when this day would come, but it’s not at all the way I thought it would play out. She seems more happy with the news than she cares about the circumstances that landed us here.
“It’s a long story,” Barrett explains.
She sniffles some more. “That’s fine. We can talk about it another time,” she says in Arthur’s direction, unable to take her eyes off him. “Just promise me something?” Her voice is soft and hopeful.
“What’s that?” Barrett chuckles at her change in demeanor.
Her request is whisper-quiet and she folds her hands together, pleading. “Can I babysit sometime? Please? You don’t even need to be gone! I can help out while you do the laundry or cook dinner or something! Or if you need a night for the two of you, ya know, alone time to get frisky—”
“Stop talking,” Barrett cuts her off, and I burst out laughing.
“There’s a lot we’re figuring out, but I don’t think that would be a problem,” I answer. I’m so appreciative of her offer, and I want to help him build a relationship with his grandmother when we decide how we will navigate it all with Arthur.
“I have to hug you!” she says, happy-crying when she wraps her arms around me. “I’m so happy you two are working at this. I’m so proud of you both!”
She grabs Barrett’s white shirt and pulls him in for a hug at the same time. She lowers her voice when she speaks to him. “Congratulations, baby. You have a beautiful family.”
The sentiment causes his eyes to glass up. God, now I’m gonna cry! There’s something so sexy about a man getting emotional about his family.
“This is still very confidential, you can’t say a word to anyone, understand? Not even Paul. We’ll tell him when the time comes.”
“Will you come for dinner on Sunday? We don’t need to say anything.”
“I’m going to be leaving for Hawaii soon, remember? Well, the three of us are going. We thought we could use some time to get closer without any distractions. So I need you to help keep this quiet.” She nods and pretends to zip her lips.
“I think that’s a fabulous idea. You both are doing a terrific job. But when you get back, dinner at my place.” When she lets up, she holds her arms out wide. “Would you like a hug too, Arthur?” she asks him.
He shrugs, oblivious to it all while blowing bubbles into his milk. “Sure.”
“Hugs for everyone!” She wraps her arms around him and holds him the longest. Barrett leans down to rest his head on mine, and I slide my arm around his back, needing to reinforce our physical touch a little longer.
After a minute of silence, a small voice pipes up, “Can I have another cookie?”
I snort, and Barrett tells him dinner is almost ready and he can have another for dessert.Well done, Dad.
It doesn’t take long for the playful mood to return between everyone. Though, Arthur certainly gets his share of Big Suze hugs until she leaves after dinner.
After dishes, Barrett shows Arthur and me the dresser he has in one of the open bedrooms. There’s a drawer with pajamas and day clothes. We each have our own toothbrushes. Arthur’s has a koala. I don’t even know where he found one of those. We go through the bedtime routine. Barrett inspects Arthur’s brushing and even remembers to ask, “Clean chompers?” afterward. The attention to detail with that man is something else.
Then we pile into Barrett’s enormous bed and watch cartoons together. Arthur snuggles up next to him as much as me. And I can practically see Barrett’s heart exploding as he gets to wrap his arm around Arthur. He ruffles his hair tenderly, and after he crashes, pressed up against his side, Barrett kisses the top of his head.
I see it in the way he holds him… You never fall faster in love than with your own child.
* * *
In a half daze, I wake up wet. Not in the good way. What time is it? My elbow squishes when I prop up to grab my phone and look at the clock. That’s when I see Arthur wedged between us.
Oh no.
“Bear,” I shake him. “Bear, wake up. Arthur had an accident, I need to wash the sheets.”
He groggily opens his eyes. “Huh?”
“You’re sitting in pee.”
“Oh, God.” He shoots to a seated position, waking Arthur, who’s now bawling over the wet pajamas.