Page 126 of Stand and Defend
Cam: That’s a year from now, you sure you want to do that? If you say yes, I’ll hold you to it.
Me: Absolutely.
Cam: Then I’m all yours.
“Cam says you should be riding your bikes, not letting them collect dust,” I say, standing next to my dad in the custom motor shop. We’re picking up the newest one he’s adding to his collection to take home. It was a Christmas gift from my mother.
“Tell Cam I like my dust collection just fine.”
“Beautiful bikes should be ridden, not hidden away.”
“Did Cam tell you that too?”
I grin. “Maybe . . .”
Me: Congrats on your game against Jacksonville!
Cam: Thanks. Wish you were here to celebrate with me.
Me: How would we celebrate?
Cam: I can think of a few ways...
Me:Only one week left, can’t wait to see you.
Cam: No shit, I’m putting a moratorium on any future three-week vacations I’m not a part of. It’s too long.
Cam: Three good things?
Me: 1. I went for a walk today, solo. It was relaxing and I got a lot of thinking done.
Me: 2. I am signed up to volunteer with Safehouse when I return. I’m looking forward to doing something useful with myself.
Cam: I'm so proud of you.
Me: 3. Only 4 days until I go home.
Me: You?
Cam: 1. Only 4 days until I see you.
Cam: 2. Made two goals against Colorado.
Cam: 3. Only 4 days until I see you.
Me: That doesn’t count . . .
Cam: Yeah it does.
Me: ETA 10:10pm
Cam: I’ll be waiting.
The last few weeks without her have been hell. I check the incoming flights and watch as the arrival board showing NCE to MSP flips from