Page 128 of Stand and Defend
“So, how’s it work? Is it likeThe Bachelor?”
“No, I think it’s kinda techy. Micky tried to explain it to me. It’s like a dating experiment to see if we can use AI to create a formula for love... or something.”
“Oh, God. Icannot waitto watch this trainwreck.”
She rolls her eyes. “It might be good for him.”
None of this is adding up. I furrow my brow. “Hey, is Kendra attractive?”
Her eyes grow big. “She’s gorgeous. A doppelgänger for Taryn Delanie Smith.”
I laugh and shake my head. I doubt it will make it past production.
“What’s so funny?”
I level her with my gaze. “Sunshine, I’ve played with Sullivan for years. He was captain until his retirement. I know the way he operates. If he’s doing this show, it’s because your producer friend sweet-talked him into it somehow. He hates technology and hates reality television.”
She rears her head back. “Wait—you think he’s doing it for Kendra?”
I shrug and suck my teeth before flipping another page in the tattoo book. I have a sneaking suspicion that’s exactly what he’s doing.
“Well, I hope he finds love and it’s a smashing success,” she says matter-of-factly.
Of course she does, she wants the best for everyone. I wrap an arm around her and continue to peruse the book while we wait for Kelly to finish up the appointment before ours. The next page is filled with some celestial sketches, including a sun that reminds me of Jordan.
The buzzing in the studio closest to the waiting area stops. I hear no talking, which means it’s probably Logan finishing with someone. My stepbrother is not a conversationalist by any stretch.
“I’m going to get a tattoo,” I say. “Want to get one with me?”
She laughs. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. Let’s do it.”
No matter how our journey ends, I want a piece of her with me always.
“Okay, I’m in,” she says, chuckling. “What are we getting?”
I stab my finger on the sun in the book. “This.”
I kiss the top of her head. “Because you’re my sunshine.”
Jordan pulls back and blinks. “Wait, really?” She bites her lip.
Her gaze falls to the book of tattoos. She presses her finger to the moon. “Then I want this one.” She tilts her head to the side, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Yeah... it’s fitting.” Her beaming smile warms me when she looks up. “You have this pull. Like the moon does with tides. You’ve helped me through my highs and lows.”
I like that.A lot.
Logan steps out from behind the studio wall and peels off black latex gloves, followed by his client.
“If you want something that matches, I can turn them into an eclipse,” he grumbles, speaking and signing at the same time. He has a lot of deaf clients, like the one he’s signing with. The man pays and nods to us as he leaves.
“My last session had to reschedule, so if you want to do it, I can fit it in.” He sounds annoyed, but it’s simply his resting bitch voice. He’s like a permanently pissed off storm cloud, as if any joy he has is used up on his creative genius.
“I love the eclipse idea,” Jordan says, looking at me.
I agree. “Eclipse it is.”