Page 142 of Stand and Defend
“Good investments.”
“I’m sure.” I roll my eyes. “Do you have any idea how volatile NHL franchises are? For your sake, this is a bad purchase.”
“Don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot. We both know I don’t give a fuck, it’s not about the return. If it succeeds, great, if it doesn’t, oh well, it bankrupts. Like you said,so volatile.”
“How do I make this go away?” I ask, gritting my teeth.
“I don’t want money.”
I move closer to the bathroom. I might actually throw up.
“What do you want?” He wantsme.Imake this go away.
Why did I ever get involved with Bryan?How could I not see how unhinged and cruel he is?
“You cheated on me, Bryan—you didn’t even want me when you had me! Why can’t you let us go?”
“Just because I fuck Veronica doesn’t mean I don’t want you. You and I make a strong alliance. We were meant for marriage. It looks good.”
Makes him look good. He means my financial status, being tied to theLandryname.
“What happens if I don’t?”
“I submit the paperwork and get the ball rolling. The finances are in place, all I have to do is sign the dotted line and your fiancé’s career is over. Either way, I win.”
“This is about Camden. It has nothing to do with me.” He makes me sick. “You’re unwell, you know that?”
“I’ve got to go, Jordan. I’ve got a board meeting. Busy, busy,” he quips.Asshole. “Looking forward to hearing your decision.”
“Yes, dear?”
“If I do this, you’re never going to lay your hands on me again. If you ever slam me into a wall or put your hand on my throat again—” I choke out a sob. “God, Bryan, why are you ruining my life?”
My nose sniffles. “How do I know you won’t marry me and buy the team?”
“You have my word.”
“You’re joking, right?” I scoff. “If I do this, I want an air-tight contract that you will never purchaseanyNHL team. Drafted and in my email by the end of the week.”
“Are we done here?”
“No, one more thing.” Now I’ve got the tears going. Sniffles, snot, hoarse vocals, and all.I should get an Academy Award for this.“I get to tell Camden.”
“Deal. You always were a reasonable girl.” He hangs up, and I wipe my face, clearing my eyes. Step one, complete.
There’s a vetting process for owners, so how the fuck did Bryan get a green light? I grab my laptop and start doing some research. The NHL uses one firm to check out prospective owners. Robux & Holt out of NYC—the same firm H&H uses.Fancy that.
Doesn’t matter. He’ll also need approval from the NHL Board of Governors. My father looked into purchasing teams about five years ago. Once he saw the numbers and returns, he decided it was too “hands on” for him. There’s so much more than the game that goes into ownership.It’s all about expanding the business, and a lot of that depends on the value of the team rather than the revenue. It’s a reselling game, and there are too many variables that fluctuate year to year. It’s unstable.
Fuck, I’m angry! I’m running out of time. I’ve been carefully watching his location since he showed up at Cam’s that night. I slam my laptop shut and pace the floor. Then call the one person I said I’d never speak with again.Veronica.
She answers almost immediately, apologizing profusely over and over.