Page 147 of Stand and Defend
I didn’t have confirmation they were still seeing each other, but when Veronica agreed she would end it, she told me everything I needed to know. I knew if I told her to invite him over to end it, he’d likely fuck her “one last time.” Now that I’m free of his gaslighting, his narcissistic habits are easy to anticipate. He’s so predictable.
I wait, needing to make sure the conditions are right to make my move. It’s not quite time yet. Cam looks at me. “Now what?”
“I’m waiting for a phone call.”
At 1:37 a.m., my burner phone vibrates with a call from an unmarked number. It’s Seven.
“I’m here,” I answer.”
“His notifications will be disabled for the next twenty minutes. Is that enough time?”
“Perfect. Send me a bill.”
“Pleasure doing business with you. I look forward to watching the news tomorrow.”
I smile. “Me too.”
I end the call and grab my personal cell to turn it on. Bryan enjoyed control over people andthings. Which is why almost every device he owns is connected to our phones. I have no idea if he has proximity alerts set up for me on his phone, but he likely has them if his car is being tampered with, so I need to cover my tracks. Seven helped with that. I reach behind me for the duffel bag and unzip it.
Cam sucks in a breath. “Jesus fuck. How much money is that?”
The day I withdrew 20,000 cash, I requested a variety of bills. It took me hours to roll them into little bundles, giving the appearance of contraband. I’ve never touched the money with my bare hands, and I never will.
“It’s a small price to pay to get even.”
I crack the window of my car and listen. A police siren sounds in the distance, and I wait for it to fade before getting out of the car. Once it’s quiet, I open my door and stalk to the trunk of his car, open the Lexus app on my phone, and pop the trunk. My breath is visible in the trunk’s interior light. It’s cold as fuck out here.
Next, I disconnect the taillight—thank you, YouTube—I attempt to push the light out, but it won’t budge. I practiced on my car three times with no problems, but my hands arecold and stiff and shaking. Behind me, the passenger door quietly opens.
“What do you need?” Cam asks.
“To knock the taillight loose. Don’t break it, just pop it out partially so I can thread some of the wires through.” He gets his hands in there and does it in two seconds.
I delicately place the bag of money in the trunk.Looks impeccably suspicious. Last, I tuck the stack of papers regarding the financial statements for Bluetower, all with his signature, in the bag.
“’Kay. Let’s go.” I click the trunk closed and return to our car. We put our seatbelts on and pull away from the curb.Please let this work.
Cam gives an exaggerated exhale. “My dick is so fucking hard.”
I chuckle and look over at him. Glad he’s excited about it. I’ll feel better once everything goes according to plan. Though, I am quite pleased with myself.
When we get home and climb into bed, we lie there staring at the ceiling.
“We never left.”
In the morning, I’ll track Bryan’s location again. As soon as he’s on the road, I’ll report erratic driving from a Lexus with a busted taillight.
The adrenaline from last night kept us up, so we played Battleship. Not a euphemism. I made her strip every time I sank one of her ships, but in the end, she was fully-clothed and I was fully-naked. As competitive as I am, it was fun watching her kick my ass and get cocky about it.
Then we cuddled. And kissed. And cuddled again. I’ve never experienced anything so sensual without actually having sex. My heart was pounding, and she had me hard as fuck, but we connected with each other in a way that was equally powerful. We stayed in each other’s arms until sunrise.
A few minutes ago, her phone beeped with a GPS notification that his car was in motion, and she’s been wearing a hole in my rug since.
“Thank you,” she says, to the 911 dispatcher, ending the call. She runs her fingers through her hair. “They’re sending an officer.”