Page 149 of Stand and Defend
“Call you back, Mom.” I drop the phone and turn up the volume on the television. The reporter says H&H Holdings is under fire for their subsidy Bluetower.
“Holy shit,” I mumble, with my fingers pressed to my lips. My eyes are glued to the television.
“We expected this, remember?”
Of course, but that doesn’t make it any less monumental. I stare as the breaking news scrolls across the screen.
“Sucks to suck,” he tuts.
“Do you think he knows it was me?”
He laughs. “I’m sure he does, but you were great at covering your tracks. Worst-case scenario, you get Eight to jump in there and delete any evidence.”
“Seven,” I correct. “I also made a semi-anonymous donation of sixteen million to the police department. I think they’ll side with me on this one.” I breathe a sigh of relief and lean against the headboard as I survey the fruits of my labor.I won, you fucking monster.
“You bribed law enforcement?”
He throws his head back and laughs. “Goddamn, I love you.”
I lean into him, and my lips curl into a lopsided grin.
“How do you feel about it?” he asks.
We channel surf every major news network as we watch Bryan Davenport’s life implode minute by minute. The news anchor reports that more than one fake subsidiary has been confirmed.I fucking knew it.This will shake out to be a Ponzi by dinner time. He built his own house of cards, all I did was breathe on it.
“Sources tell us that the board of directors have asked Bryan Davenport to step down from his role at H&H Holdings, no word as to what his response has been. A full investigation is being launched into the business conglomerate empire. A spokesperson for the company says there was no collusion with the founder, Bryan Davenport Sr., and that he’s already set up a foundation to repay any investors that were swindled by his son.”
I shake my head. Bryan Davenport Sr. is a snake, but in this case, I appreciate that Bryan Jr. is being publicly humiliated and renounced by his own father—the man he worshipped. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those fake subsidies were his dad’s and now he’s throwing his son under the bus to cover his ass.
They flip to bodycam footage of the arrest. Everything in the trunk is blurred, but Bryan is a broken record saying, “It’s not mine!” which only makes him look more guilty. Another police officer is shown at the traffic stop, and I smile when I see the same one who pulled me over after Bryan said I stole my own car. No doubt he remembers that car and mygiftto the department.
Through the large picture windows, a few intermittent snowflakes fall from the dense, low-hanging clouds stretchedacross the sky. It’s blustery and cold. Even the trees appear to shiver as the wind passes through the bare branches.
“He must be so scared. I wonder if he’s thinking about me?” I stare out the window with a grin. “He won’t sleep tonight. Every person he fucked over is coming after him now. And he’s alone, his own father won’t help him. He’ll look over his shoulder with every step... Poetic, isn’t it?”
“Come here, Sunshine,” he says, tugging me into his side. I sigh and sketch circles with my fingertip on Cam’s chest. We snuggle in our warm bed while Bryan probably sits on a metal chair in a cold room, wondering how he let his life spiral out of control. Camden kisses my forehead and whispers, “Anyone ever told you how dark you can be sometimes?”
I smile bigger. “Who’s the one who got off on corrupting me?”
“You were unhinged long before I got to you, I just taught you to embrace it.” He climbs on top of me and peels my top off. “Clever Jordana, plotting away and ruining the lives of those who’ve wronged fucking sexy.”
He’s always empowering me. One of the many differences between Cam and Bryan. One celebrates my brilliance, the other tried to extinguish it, steal it before I knew my own strength. We undress each other to the soundtrack of his reputation being ground to dust on national news.
He turns me to face the television and kneels behind me, my back to his front. With one hand, he holds my jaw straight to watch the TV while his other hand dives between my legs. I gasp and clutch his arms as he rolls my clit between his fingers.
He tucks his chin, skims his lips up the column of my neck, and whispers, “You did that.”
I smirk. “I did... I made a difference in someone’s life, Camden.”
He chuckles and slips a finger inside me. “That’s right, Sunshine.”
He pumps faster and faster until I’m shaking and panting, still he holds my face steady.
“Does it make you wet to watch him suffer?”