Page 63 of Stand and Defend
Shit.My arms thrash as I throw off the covers, the aches even more apparent after moving my major muscle groups. After I get to my feet, I open the bedroom door and hobble out, colliding head-on with about ten garbage bags of stuff.My stuff.
I rip into the first bag; he got my clothes! I drag the bag to the small kitchen table and begin folding and stacking the pieces.
“Underwear!” I raise my arm in triumph. Oh, hell yeah! I’ve been washing and rotating the same three pairs for way too long. I don’t even care he’s seen all my lingerie. He saw a lot more last night anyway.
The next bag is filled with sweaters and jeans. Next, winter coats. Not all my shoes are here, but the ones he took are the most versatile. Smart man. After that, purses and jewelry. Makeup. He even grabbed my toothbrush. I have my things back!
How did he already get all this accomplished this morning? I grab my phone and text him.
Me: I don’t know how to thank you.
Cam: Last night was great for me too. My dick says you’re welcome.
Me: You know what I mean. When did you have time to get my things?
Cam: This morning. Saw one of his cousins post on Facebook they’re out of town to takecare of family business. Timing worked.
Me: Who saw you? They let you walk out with all my stuff?
Cam: Bryan never took me off the guest list. Used your keycard to open the door, filled up the bags, sent them down the trash chute, and loaded them up in the alley. Not the first time I’ve done this.
Clearly. For a sister? Or maybe a woman he’s helped through Safehouse?
Me: Wow. That’s pretty clever, buddy. I owe you big time.
Cam: No need. But if you insist, I can think of a few ways...
Me: I mean, it’s only fair.
Cam: Glad you agree.
Me: I thought you didn’t sleep with the same girl more than once?
Cam: I decided that doesn’t apply to you.
Me: Somebody must have been a good student...
Cam: She was a very good student.
I smile. Why does him talking about me in the third person make my thighs tingle? I’ve got kinks coming out of the fucking woodwork after last night. A decent person would feel guilty about having sex so soon after breaking offan engagement. Not me. Guess I’m not a perfect angel.My villain era is well underway.
Humans aren’t meant to have quiet, boring, faceless sex. It was passionate and wild. He lit a fire in my soul. I woke up physically weak but emotionally empowered. The opposite of previous relationships. There is so much of myself I’ve ignored or suppressed over the years, but I got a taste of freedom last night. Sex the wayIwant it. How can one person teach me so much about myself?
No matter what comes of us, I’ll never regret my night with him. Camden isn’t available; he doesn’t do relationships—which I respect, but it’s hard not to feel a slight disappointment. When I’m ready to start dating again—ifI date again—I want someone who will consume me the way Cam did. I shouldn’t get involved with anyone, but... knowing such a chemistry exists in the world is enough to give me hope for a chance at something great.
After years of numb intimacy, I could finallyfeelagain. The sex was emotionally charged, and our connection was terrifyingly powerful, but he made me feel safe when I was most vulnerable. It was the first time I’ve been face-to-face with someone in a long time, and even then, it’s never been like that. He seemed to feel it too. Does he feel that with every woman he’s with? Selfishly, I want it to be exclusive to me, which is a dangerous seed to plant.
He didn’t let me take the easy way out when I got scared. I didn’t know it, but it was exactly what I needed.
I’m never sacrificing my own sexual pleasure for another man again. From now on, sex is on my terms. I want someone who will call me a slut because he knows I enjoy being objectified, not because he thinks I’m fucking someone on the side. Have him whisper filthy things that send wavesof ecstasy down my spine instead of fear. I want him to bite, spit, and pull my hair because it brings me pleasure, not pain.
Camden opened so many new doors last night but made sure I entered by my own volition. Whereas, Bryan shoved me inside and locked it.
Perched on the laundry room countertop, waiting for the last load of clothes to dry, I get caught up on my to-do list by sending cancellation emails to each of the wedding vendors. Ironically, that’s when a text comes through from Bryan. Camden helped me get the VPN set up on my phone, so now I can use it without worry.
The only reason I haven’t blocked him is to keep a record of his hostility in case I need it for evidence. Usually, I ignore his texts, but curiosity gets the best of me and I open the message history. There are so many. They oscillate between rage and remorse. Yells at me in one, apologizes the next.
Bryan: Where are you?