Page 74 of Stand and Defend
Everybody talks about Cam, but nobody really knows him. With the exception of his teammates, I presume. He would do anything for those guys. He’s fiercely loyal and protective of the people he cares about.
Movement in my peripheral snaps me out of my staring contest with the dryer. Cam sidles up next to me.
“Is there anything good on?” he says, staring ahead at the clothes getting tossed around. “This channel always plays the same old shit.”
I smile and nudge him as he hoists his duffel over his shoulder.
“Heading to the arena?” They have a game tonight, and I’ve noticed he likes to get there extra early.
“Yeah. I left you something upstairs. When you’re done with your television show, you can go check it out.”
“How come the press writes you as this wildcard player?” I blurt out.
He furrows his brow, and his lips tip up on the sides. “How come the press writes anything? To make money.”
“Does it bother you?”
“I don’t care what they say about me. I know who I am.”
A smile spreads across my face. He says it with such confidence and certainty. It’s sexy. Really, really sexy. Bryan seemed to only care what people said about him. Reputation was everything, but Cam is the opposite. He lets the press go on a rampage and doesn’t even blink.
“Good for you.”
He clears his throat. “You okay?”
I chuckle and walk backward toward the hall. “Yeah, sorry. Just a lot on my mind today or something.” He nods, and I lift my hand in a wave. “Good luck at the game tonight.”
“Thanks. See ya later.”
I spin around and head back down the hallway, and the door leading to the garage shuts, echoing behind me as he leaves. The house falls silent, but it’s peaceful. Silence used to stress me out, it meant tension, but that’s not the case anymore. When I get back to my living space, I immediately notice the jersey on the table in the kitchenette. As I get closer, I pick up the notepad, scrawled with Cam’s handwriting. There’s a ticket underneath for tonight’s game.
Dear Sunshine,
You were supposed to be wearing a wedding dress today.
It’s special to me. Kinda like you. Don’t look too far into that. Anddon’t spill beer on it. If you’re not busy—and I know you aren’t, because you never leave the fucking house—come to the game tonight. Some of the WAGs will be in the seats next to you, Birdie, Micky, and Raleigh. They’re nice girls, you’ll like them. It’s time for you to get out and meet people.
I smile. As if I needed more convincing that he has a kind heart. He’s such a terrific friend. Probably the best friend I’ve ever had. I pick up the jersey and press it to my nose, it smells like him.
I get to the arena early and find my seat. My knee bounces while I wait. This feels like a blind date with friends, which seems even more pathetic.
I repeat the names in my head. Birdie, Micky, Raleigh. God, what if they’re like stuffy hockey Stepford wives? No, Cam said I would like them. I don’t think he’d set me up with them if he didn’t think we’d get along, no matter how badly I need friends.
I try to look busy, and find myself texting Cam.
Me: How hard is it to get red wineout of jerseys?
Cam: That better be a joke.
Me: Only time will tell . . . Thanks for the ticket btw.
Cam: No problem. I fuck harder when you’re watching me, thought I’d see if it works for playing hockey too.
Me: My eyes just rolled across the arena. If you see them on the ice, will you pick them up?
Cam: You’re lucky you’re wearing my jersey . . .