Page 79 of Stand and Defend
My friends laugh, and I shake my head, they don’t know him like I do.
Coach takes a minute to yell at me for my little “publicity stunt” as he calls it. Do I fucking care? Not even a little. Let the org fine me and move on. Jordan was in the stands wearing my jersey and I got a hat trick. I kissed her because I wanted to, and I don’t regret it.
The boys are stripping their gear when I walk in from my ass chewing from Coach, they all start clapping. I take a bow.
“What the hell was that all about?” Barrett asks, laughing.
Shep holds his arms out. “You stop going out with us after games, and thenthathappens? Who is she?”
“That’s Jordan,” I answer.
“Yeah, but are you guys dating? Is she a bunny or—” Burmeister adds.
“Easy...” Barrett warns, his wife was a former bunny, and he’s not a fan of the term.
Shaking my head, I look up while unlacing my skates. “Nah, she’s not like that. She’s the opposite actually. We’re friends.”
“Bullshit,” says Lonan.
I chuckle. “I mean, we’ve messed around, but?—”
Jonesy cuts in. “The slut comes home to roost!”
Are they even listening to me?I said we’re only friends.
“Was that some fucked-up way to pick up more pussy? You know they caught you on the jumbotron, right?”
Good. Now everyone will know she’s mine.The thought pops into my head before I can stop it. It’s a new development in my feelings and likely a dangerous one I need to get control of.
“It’s not like that, really. She’s going through some shit and we’re hanging out.”
“Holy fuck, I never thought I’d see the day. Figured the only way you’d ever get hung up on a girl was if you were doing some kinky rope shit.” Lonan laughs.
“Who said we haven’t?” I grin at him, tugging off my socks that smell like something died. They think I’m dating her, which is ridiculous. Sure, I’d rather fuck her than take home a bunny, but it’s not like we’re in a relationship.
“Where did you meet?” Rhys asks.
“Remember that wedding I was the best man in?”
“Ohhh, shit, Banksy bagged himself a bridesmaid!” Shep shouts.
I shake my head and smirk. “She’s the bride.”
Banksy, as I’m learning to refer to him as when around the players or their wives, invited me to Top Shelf for the postgame celebration. I fit right in with my Lakes jersey. I wanted to wear something fun for my birthday, so I dressed it up with a miniskirt and my favorite knee-high boots. The ones Cam rescued from the condo.
While waiting for my drink, I sit facing the room with my elbows propped up on the bar top behind me. The energy in the room is chaotic and fun, everyone is smiling and having a good time. It’s nice to be partying with no dress code, other than the team colors. Nobody is gossiping or talking about stock prices or leveraged buyouts.
Cam is a hit. I watch him interact with fans across the room. The women know him well, and it makes my stomach twist even though it shouldn’t.And the touching!Every time a woman walks by, she’s touching his shoulder, his arm, his leg, his ass. He smiles his megawatt smile at each of them, and it grates on my nerves.
“Don’t worry about them,” Micky says, taking the seat beside me.
I furrow my brow and spin around, waiting on my cocktail. “I’m not. There’s nothing between us. It was just a stunt after the hat trick. I’m fine. I told you I didn’t want anything to happen between us anyway, remember?”
“Me thinks thefrienddoth protest too much...” she says, pushing off the bar and heading out to find Rhys.