Page 84 of Stand and Defend
“Don’t lie to me, angel.” He slaps my clit harder than before, and the pressure is too much for me to hold back.
Without trying, my hips rock on him, and he pulls me back so my head rests on his shoulder. “There you go, now was that so difficult?”
I turn into his neck while I come, pretending to whisper back, but it’s a cover for my face and to hide as I pant against his skin. My knuckles are white as I grip his thighs and slowly breathe in and out through my nose.
“That’s my special girl... Your pussy is so sweet milking me like that.” One quiet grunt later, his hot cum fills me up. My eyes widen. Oh my god... it’s a lot. Shit, what do I do?
“You came,” I mumble, stating the obvious.How am I going to handle this?
“I did. Look up, someone is trying to get your attention.”
When my gaze lifts, I see a waving hand across the room. It’s Brett, from earlier, waving me over.No, no no no.
“Go on. Why don’t you go flirt with that guy across the bar again? I want to watch you talk to him while my cum leaks down your leg.”
“I’m absolutely not doing that,” I say through gritted teeth.
“Yes you are.” His voice raises so the rest of the table hears. “Don’t you know that guy, why don’t you go say hi?”
“I don’t know him.”
“Yes you do.” He looks at his teammates. “You guys mind sliding out so she can go say hi?”
The left of us clears out, and he lifts me off him, snapping my underwear back in place, and I flatten my skirt under me, trying not to make a scene. Thankfully, by the time I make it to the other side of the U-shaped booth, everything’s back to normal. Minus the cum I’m desperately trying to hold inside me. I stand and look back at Cam, who’s wearing a big-ass grin. I mouth,I hate you.
Sully shakes his head. Shit, he might be onto us. I hope I never have to face him again.
I feel Camden’s gaze on me as I make my way toward the man who bought me a drink earlier. Jesus, my brain is so scrambled I can barely remember his name.Brett. His name is Brett.The poor guy smiles as he meets me halfway.
“Hey, I wasn’t sure if you were coming.”
Oh, I came.
“Yeah, sorry, had to catch up with a friend.”
“That’s cool, are you close with the team?”
Shit, his cum is leaking. I cross my thighs and lean against a barstool, trying to look natural. From across theroom, Cam’s eyes are locked on me while he takes a swig of beer. That cocky son of a bitch.
“Yeah, sort of a family friend.” It’s beginning to run down my leg. “I’m really sorry, I’m not feeling well and need to head home. But it was really nice to meet you.”
“It was nice to meet you too. Can I get your number?” I’m about to decline, but I look at Camden, and his smug smile sets me off. See how he likes playing his own games. “Sure.” The guy pulls out his phone, and I make a show of taking it from him, typing it in, then hand it back. “Have a good night, Brett.”
“You too, Jordan.” He smiles.
I’m not interested in going out with him, and I feel like a bitch for giving Brett false hope, but when I see the way Cam’s jaw is locked up, it’s worth every ounce of guilt.
I wave goodbye to Brett and head toward the exit, opening up a rideshare app.
The brisk air hits me with a blast, and I shiver. I swear if it were any colder, there’d be a cumsicle frozen to my inner thigh. The sunny sixties temps from this morning have settled into the low forties. Thankfully, my car will be here in two minutes.Why didn’t I stop in the bathroom first?
The two minutes is all I need to overthink everything. Was it wrong to let him do that? I liked it—a lot. I’ve been wanting new experiences, wanting to let loose, and that’s exactly what I did tonight, and I loved it. I didn’t know it would feel so exhilarating to throw caution to the wind and be impulsive. Be risky. But did I allow him to mark me so other guys wouldn’t have the chance?
I’m sure some other woman is already sitting in his lap. He’ll take her home and be discreet about it, meanwhile I’m waiting for a ride with cum running down my leg. Shame sneaks into my thoughts, and I push it back. I liked whathappened, but without Cam next to me on the sidewalk, it makes me feel... used.
The car arrives, and I step to the curb, but another hand darts out to open the door. It’s Cam. A wave of relief crashes over me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask.