Page 13 of You Will Obey
Dante looked at me. “This is his pack too, Josef.”
“Perhaps he needs a reminder,” Théoden stated, his cold, gray gaze never leaving me. “I’ll feed from you, Josef.”
I scoffed. “The hell you will.”
Théoden cocked his head to the side. “Does this have to get ugly, Josef?”
“Josef,” Dante said, then placed his hand on top of mine, basically urging me not to make a scene.
I glared at Théoden in silence. I could hear the chatter of my wolves and some vampires. Some were talking about us and I didn’t like the attention.
I frowned. “We can go to my room–”
“No, right here, right now. Come to me, sit on my lap and offer your throat to me,” Théoden commanded.
I didn’t move and the silence between us grew deafening. The chorus of cicadas was the only thing I heard now, as the conversations of every wolf and vampire gathered seemed to stop. The breeze was cool on my heated flesh and the smell of the outdoors gave me some clarity. Théoden’s gaze hardened as his head dipped slightly. His eyes glowed red and as much as I didn't want to give in to him, I knew I had no choice. I snarled, but rose from my chair and made my way around the table to him. I straddled him, then sat down on his lap. Théoden grabbed my ass and squeezed both cheeks.
“Mmmm, very nice, firm and meaty. I see why my son can’t get enough of sticking his cock between them,” Théoden said as he continued to knead my ass.
“Let’s get this over with,” I snapped.
“Do you know what your weakness is, Josef?” Théoden asked me.
“I’m sure you’ll tell me,” I said dryly.
“You can’t hide your emotions. You don’t know how to keep your temper in check and that means you can always be read. I’m willing to bet that is why you really can’t stand Deacon. He sees right through you, as do I. That’s how I knew you were going to attack me and I was able to prepare. Even if I hadn’t been able to read Dante’s mind at that time, I still saw your contempt,” Théoden said.
My jaw tightened and it took everything I had not to rip his throat out since I was so close to it. I would love to bathe in his blood. “I know how to control myself.”
“But not your emotions. You may be over eight centuries old, but you are still very much that child you were when you were turned as far as I’m concerned.”
Dante’s silence as Théoden berated me spoke volumes and I found that I couldn’t look at him. I didn’t want to see what his facial expression was. I didn’t think I could bear it. My face felt hot and I was on the verge of shaking, I was so humiliated and pissed off. I didn’t want to see the faces of my wolves, or know what they were thinking watching this situation happen to me.
“If you’re embarrassed, remember, you brought this on yourself tonight by forgetting your place. We are not equals. Everything you have is mine, Josef, and I'll take what I want when I want it. I allow you to speak to me freely, but it should always be with respect. The next time you step out of line, I will strip you naked and whip you in front of your pack. Are we clear?” Théoden stared at me, awaiting my reply.
I had to swallow my rage, it felt like a lump in my throat. I stilled my expression and found the words he wanted to hear. “Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now, give yourself to me.”
I watched as Théoden’s fangs extended and I turned my head, exposing my neck to him. He took hold of the back of my head and pulled me toward his mouth. I closed my eyes and gasped when he struck, burying his fangs into my flesh. It hurt at first, but then I felt his venom flow into me and my cock jumped to life. My body felt like it was floating and the liquid bliss coursed through every vessel. The pleasure of his bite rivaled that of Dante’s and I moaned as he fed from me. I felt one of his fingers slide into my pants between my crack to tickle my hole, but he didn’t enter it. His finger massaged me as he continued to drain my blood, making the pleasure mount inside of me. I gripped his shirt as my body grew weaker, but my cock grew stiffer. A low, shuddering moan poured out of me as I came from his feeding. I exhaled when he pulled back, licking my blood from his lips. I slumped against him, too boneless to move at the moment.
“Let’s see how you work this in your favor,” Théoden whispered in my ear.
I immediately knew what he meant by that. He was giving me the opportunity to save some face in front of my pack. Sure, he’d just made me cum in front of them and my mate as he fed and fingered my hole. But he was also challenging me to hide my emotions. As much as I hated him at the moment and what he’d said… he wasn’t wrong. A lesson hard learned, and one I would never forget.
I mustered up the courage to look at Dante and he had a frown on his face and I could see the worry in his eyes as well as his fear. He didn’t know what was going to happen between his mate and his sire. I sat up and looked at Théoden.
“Your cock is hard, Sir, let me take care of that for you,” I offered and wondered if he’d take me up on it. He wanted me to know my place, fine. And if Dante couldn’t or wouldn’t intervene, I’d play their game.
Théoden cut a glance at Dante and that took me by surprise. It was almost as if he wanted to gauge Dante’s reaction, or was it to get permission? I leaned forward, kissing him, then his jaw and his neck as I slowly ground my ass against his raging hard-on.
I hissed when I felt pain shoot across my scalp as my head was yanked back by my hair. “You’re playing a dangerous game here, Josef. Don’t think I won’t fuck you in front of your pack and mate. The last time my cock was inside of you, we didn’t have quite the audience. Are you sure you want to proceed?”
“Release me… Sir,” I snapped.
He pulled harder, putting a greater strain on my neck and I had to struggle to keep my bearings. “You don’t give me commands, boy,” he growled.
“Father,” Dante said, finally.