Page 23 of You Will Obey
I sat up and looked at her. “I did try to tell you,” I said.
“Oh, my darling Prince, this isn’t me giving up. I will ride your hard cock tonight,” she said.
I frowned, then scooted to the edge of the bed. “Enough of this nonsense. I’ve already told you I have no interest in women.”
She reached down, grabbing my chin, and her grip was strong enough to leave bruises. “I always get what I want,” she snarled.
“You’re going to want to unhand me before I get testy,” I said, then gave her a growl in warning.
Her snarl morphed into the sweetest smile and she released my chin. “We’re both reasonable adults and powerful vampires. I have something you want, you have something I want. We can agree on that, right?”
I nodded. “That's why I’m here… entertaining this farce.”
Leona walked over to her nightstand and picked up a glass of blood mixed with expensive champagne from the scent of it. She swirled the blood around before taking a sip, then continued. “Now, if I have to walk away empty handed, so will you. I’ll allow my vampires to rip that human apart limb from limb, because I don’t give a fuck about him at all. And we can both be disappointed. Is that what you want?”
I felt my rage boiling inside of me, because I didn’t like being forced into anything I didn’t want to do. I hated it when Ara did it, but he was my sire, I had no say. This bitch was crossing every line I had, and yet, the ball was in her court. I couldn’t kill her, or even get violent. For one thing, I was in her territory. For another, doing so would destroy the alliance my Father had fostered with her Queen that spanned over two millennia. I could walk away, but then I’d lose a future son I’d been chasing for months. And Ireallyfucking hated to lose.
“Are you sure you don’t want the cure for dragon venom?” I asked, figuring I’d toss that out there again since I knew it was such a hot commodity, and she never did answer me when I’d asked her the first time.
She laughed and shook her head. “We have plenty. You think only your Sire has an alliance with a dragon King?” She sat on her divan and crossed one leg over the other before she sipped her drink again. “You see, Théoden. There is nothing you could offer me that I want other than your cock. Hard and throbbing inside of me as I ride out my fantasies. You make me cum, and I will hand over that gorgeous human you’ve searched so diligently for, unharmed. Now, what do you think you need to do to make that happen?”
I felt the tip of my fangs trying to emerge, because the urge to plunge them into her neck and rip out her throat was so strong in me. I had to breathe to calm down. Was this some sort of twisted karma because I’d enjoyed Bruce getting bested by a woman earlier? Could I walk away from Somchai? I snarled and rose off the bed, turning to face the window. For months, the human had outsmarted my every attempt and had done the impossible. He had managed to escape New Haven, not even Noel had been able to do that. In truth, I’d been hunting their rebel cell the moment they’d attacked my businesses, even before I’d captured Noel. Back then, it was Noel who’d come up with their plans along with William. The latter was of no use to me apart from me breaking Noel in by having him be his first kill. I wanted Somchai, damnit! And when I desired a human, I always got them.
I’d never lain with a woman before, but as they say, there’s a first time for everything. I turned to face Leona. “You know, when you mentioned that I have sex with men who identify as straight and show them the joys of cock, it’s because I’m that damn good.”
She smirked. “And I’m sure the very fact that your touch and bite brings pleasure thanks to your dragon half has nothing to do with it.” She scoffed and winked at me. “Oh, I’ve done my research on you, Théoden. You’re an obsession of mine. I don’t plan on letting this opportunity pass me by.”
“Very well. But I want to see this human, to read his mind to confirm that he is the one I’ve been searching for,” I said.
“I’ve confirmed it.”
“But I haven’t.” I gave her a look that left no room for any fight on the matter.
She sighed, then closed her eyes. I knew that she was summoning her vampires. When she opened them, her blue gaze settled on me. “Janet is bringing him.”
“Good. In the meantime, I’m going to need a vial of your dragon venom if you have that. I don’t need the cure,” I said.
She narrowed her eyes. “Why?”
I chuckled. “Don’t worry, I won’t use it on you. Amazing how it works, isn’t it? If you have their venom in you, then it’s deadly if you can’t get the cure. Of course, for me, the venom is a sexual stimulant. Therefore, if you want me to fuck you, I’m going to need some help getting my cock hard long enough to bring you to climax,” I said.
“I’ll make sure you have everything you need,” Leona said, then we both turned at the sound of a knock on her door. “Enter,” she called out.
The door opened and a petite female vampire entered dragging a male human in behind her by a chain connected to a collar around his neck. His mouth was gagged, and his ankles were shackled as were his wrists, which were bound behind his back. A quick scan of his mind confirmed that he was Somchai Ananada and my future son. He was fully clothed in a pair of dirty blue jeans, gray t-shirt, and black sneakers. But my god, he was a specimen. My cock actually stirred between my legs at the sight of him and how badly I wanted to sink my fangs and claim him.
“Well, are you sure we need the stimulant? Looks like you're getting in the mood just fine,” Leona commented.
“Not for you,” I tossed at her, because she had annoyed me to no end.
“Well, that wasn’t nice, and after I captured your human and left him in pristine shape.” Leona turned to her vampire. “Janet.”
Janet nodded and grabbed Somchai by his hair and yanked him to his knees. He cried out through the cloth gag, and his muffled scream grew louder when Janet struck, burying her fangs in his neck.
“Stop!” I yelled. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to maintain my composure. Unlike Josef, I didn’t like wearing my emotions on my face. She had me at a disadvantage. Even if I took Somchai and flew away with him, it would betray the alliance Ara had with Queen Elsa, and maybe even start a war. I couldn’t–no, I would never be the reason my Sire lost one of his alliances. There really was no way that I could get out of this situation without capitulating to Leona’s demands.
“Janet.” Leona said, and the female vampire pulled back and licked her lips. Leona locked her gaze with mine. “Play nice with me and I’ll play nice with you.”
Blood seeped from the fang wounds in Somchai’s neck, but those would heal when he drank my blood. I looked at Leona, my gaze hard. “Let that be the last time you harm what’s mine.”