Page 33 of You Will Obey
“I have,” Noel said, smiling. “Barely,” he added with a shrug.
“And you have too, Donovan. Like right now,” Derek pointed out.
They laughed.
I watched my sons joke amongst themselves and though it pleased me to see them getting alone, unlike me and my own brothers. I really did want to move things along. I didn’t want their territories left unattended for too much longer and Somchai needed to bond with them before they left.
“Back to business, boys,” I said, gaining their attention. “Somchai, you will now present yourself to your brothers and take the punishment you have earned.”
Somchai looked at me, then back at my sons, who were surrounding him. He swallowed hard, then slowly laid down on the pillow, spreading his arms and legs out toward them. “Is this the only punishment I’ll get, Sir?”
“Yes. I keep my word and I’d expect you to do the same,” I said, then looked at my sons. “You are to feed from him, but withhold your venom. Take it slow, gnash away, but leave enough for me.”
Marco smiled wickedly as he dropped to his knees on the pillow, then leaned down, striking Somchai in his neck and latching on. Somchai cried out, his back arching from the pain of Marco’s bite and feeding. My other sons joined in, biting his wrists, inner thighs and Derek went for his cock. All of their fangs were inside of him, and he was miserable as he cried, squirmed, and screamed from the agony. The succulent scent of his blood wafted in the air, whetting my appetite, and I licked my lips. Blood dripped from Somchai’s wounds as my sons’ teeth ripped through his flesh and the tears in his eyes satisfied my need to punish him. His skin grew paler as more blood was drained from him and it was time for my sons to pull back. It was possibly one of the slowest drainings I’d ever witnessed and a true agony for Somchai.
I rose and walked over to Somchai, standing over him. He looked up at me, eyelids half closed, bottom lip trembling, skin slick with blood and sweat. His expression was pleading as were his thoughts.
No more, please, he begged me.
“Now, my son, I will give you pleasure, more than you can stand, because you chose wisely,” I said, then lowered myself onto his lap. My sons were still sitting around us, riding the high of his blood, their cocks hard and ready for some action. And they’d get it, too. Somchai’s ass would remain virginal, like Noel’s was. Another gift to all of our cocks. It was a benefit to me to have another son with a cherry hole.
I leaned forward, tilting Somchai’s head to the side, then sank my fangs. His blood squirted hot and luscious into my mouth and down my throat. I moaned because he had a rare blood type and it was full of flavor. My own cock grew hard against him as I fed and this time, Somchai felt the pleasure of my bite as my venom worked its way into his bloodstream, preparing his body for theEmbracing. Once he reached the point of no return, I pulled back and bit into my own wrist. This was the part of birthing a child into our world that I had a love-hate relationship with. On one hand, the experience was sacred for the Sire and child to bond through a blood link for all eternity. Stronger than anything a human could experience. On the other hand, it hurt like a motherfucker, as Dante would say.
I pressed my bleeding wrist to Somchai’s open mouth and allowed my blood to flow into him.
“I don’t envy you this part, Father,” Donovan said, then shivered as he remembered his experience with his latest son.
“Me either. Shit hurts like a motherfucker,” Dante said, and if the pain wasn’t so intense, I would have smiled at that.
“I still can’t believe you’ve done this… what? Thirteen times, Father, this being number fourteen?” Derek said.
“When you want something or someone bad enough, you go after it, no matter the cost,” I said, then gritted my teeth as I felt the pull of Somchai’s thirst, his need, draining blood from me. “Ahhh, fuck!” I growled as the agony coursed through every vein in my body like molten lava flowing instead of blood. I was inflamed from the inside out and I gripped the pillow beneath us, ripping it open with my fingers. The cotton spilled out like guts from flesh, but I didn’t care. I’d toss it later.
Noel rubbed my back as his way to comfort me. It did little to alleviate the pain, but I appreciated his concern, nonetheless. The only thing that felt almost as horrible and crippling as this sensation was when I’d lost Ryu. To have that link severed, there were no words to describe that kind of torture. Again, I thought it was something deeper than what any human could grasp. They could kill their own children or parents and not feel any remorse or pain. Not so with us… we felt it and it was the last thing any of us ever wanted to do. Our children become a part of us, and we were a part of them… this was what it meant to beEmbraced.
My body grew weaker and I fell to my side, but still allowed Somchai to feed because I wanted him as powerful as my other sons. When I could take it no longer, I began to yank my wrist, but Somchai’s grip tightened. That was when Marco intervened, forcing Somchai to release me with a strong grip on his jaw. If Somchai didn’t want it broken, he had to let go and he did. Crying out until Marco eased up, but he didn’t let him go.
“Snap out of it, little brother, before you force me to hurt you,” Marco warned.
Dante pulled me to him, offering me his wrist to feed, but I shook my head. I had prepared for this night. “Hu-hum…” I couldn’t quite form the words, I was too weak. I believed the last time I was this incapacitated was when I’d embraced Marco… and Tyler, he was another greedy one.
“I’ll get the humans,” Noel said.
“I’ll help,” Derek added, and I felt their presence fade a little since they weren't as close.
They both returned quickly enough with several humans. I could smell the blood in their veins and my body demanded it. A man’s wrist was pressed against my mouth and I bit and drank. As I grew stronger with each swallow, I knew that Somchai was no longer on the pillow and neither was Marco. I knew why, he was helping his youngest brother relieve himself of his bodily waste. He’d need to shower afterward, as that was quite an experience. I drank my fill of the human, draining him completely, then fed on another, replenishing myself of all the blood I’d lost.
I pulled away, licking my lips, and shivered from the pleasure that feeding always gave me. I laid down on the pillow, allowing myself to enjoy the ride as my entire being felt like it was shimmering with bliss. The bloodhaze was the best high. Noel leaned over, kissing my lips, and I could sense his arousal, taste it. He wasn’t the only one ready to fuck. I chuckled, then reached up, stroking a finger along his jawline. “Are you relieved that you’re no longer the only virgin son I have now?”
Noel threw his head back, laughing. “Hell yes! I’m so happy. My ass could use a break, Father.”
I laughed then. “You won’t get that much of one, pet.” I sat up now, and looked around and saw that Bruce, Donovan, Dante, and Derek had already stripped off their clothing, their cocks drooling and ready. Noel began to undress as well, so I joined them. The corpses of my victims had also been removed from the room.
Marco returned with Somchai, all clean from his shower. He was hungry too, having purged. The blood he’d taken from me wouldn’t have satisfied his hunger. It only transformed his body. Now, he needed to feed.
“I’ll get him a human,” Noel said, then walked off. He lived here with me, so he knew his way around better than my other sons, save Derek, who also lived here. If Dante hadn’t been mated to Josef, he would also still be with me, but I trusted Josef to be able to take care of him and teach him how to defend his territory and mine.
“You will feed now, Somchai. I know that you’re starving,” I said, and patted the pillow next to me, not caring that it was in ruins with rips from my nails in the leather. It would serve its purpose still.