Page 35 of You Will Obey
“Very,” I said.
He ran his fingers through his hair, then slid out from under me, I allowed it. He rose from the pillow, walking over to the body. “I… I’ve… never…”
“Killed anyone before? You’ll get used to it,” I said.
“Why? Why do I have to get used to it? Vampires can feed without killing,” he said.
“So can humans. But did you?” I asked, then waved my hand dismissively. “Doesn’t matter what you think you know. Vampires will eventually need to kill. It’s in our instincts just like it’s in a human’s. We are ultimately made from humans, most supes, that is. The instinct to kill for whatever reason is already ingrained in us. Then you pair that with our predatory nature, to hunt, and you’ll understand that we must kill. Were you not satisfied beyond your wildest dreams as you fed from him?” I held up a finger. “And do not attempt to lie to me. I will never tolerate that.”
Somchai looked at the corpse, then back to me. He closed his eyes, then turned away from the body. “I… did.”
“You pleased me tonight by feeding without anyone having to command you. Don’t ruin the good track you’re on right now by crying over a doomed man’s death. You are above all of that now,” I said.
“So, I’m not going to get any time to process any of this?” he asked.
Donovan laughed. “Well, it’s been a while since I’ve donned my priestly garments and given some poor sap contrition, but if you feel like you need to get some lame ass guilt off your chest… I might make an exception. I am ordained, after all, an Irish Catholic to boot.”
A few more chuckles from my sons.
Somchai looked at Donovan. “You’re a priest?”
Donovan shrugged. “Yes and no. I mean, it’s been four hundred years since I last performed those duties.”
“I don’t trust any organized religion that wants to tell me how to live my life and ask for my money. The government already does that,” Derek stated.
“That’s a good point, too,” Donovan said laughing, then he looked back at Somchai. “Look, it’s not a big deal, we feed, we kill, we thrive. Why don’t you have this crisis on your own time. We’re all ready to fuck.”
Somchai turned from Donovan, a snarl on his face, then he looked at me. “I can’t believe you want to have sex with me after all that,” he murmured.
“And you wanted me to. I will also remind you of your manners. I’ve allowed you a great deal of leniency, but that will end right now. Show me my due respect,” I snapped.
“Yes, Sire,” Somchai said, his muscles going rigid as he registered the threat behind my words.
“Pup, remove the body,” I said, and Dante did as he was told. Taking the corpse out of the room and probably putting him in the pile with the others. I would arrange for a cleaning crew to dispose of them after I was done with my newest child. “Somchai, we discussed all of this. You have a big night ahead of you. You will take the oath and the brand, then you will take each of our cocks. So, come back here and kneel.”
“I didn’t know you wanted to fuck me,” he said under his breath.
Before I could make a move, Marco’s fist shot out, catching Somchai on his chin and sending him sailing across the room and into the bondage table. He yelped in pain as his body slammed against the reinforced table that didn’t budge. He groaned as he slumped to the floor, his lip bleeding, his nose broken, but all injuries were healing instantly.
“You will address him as ‘Father or Sire’, show some fucking respect, you crying ass bitch,” Marco snapped.
“Get up and come here,” I said, not giving Somchai any more leeway.
He struggled to his feet, but rose and walked over to me with only a few stumbles. I would imagine his head was still spinning from that blow. He dropped to his knees once he reached me. “My sons will not accept any disrespect toward me or them, do you understand?”
Somchai looked up at me, his face still bloody even though his wounds had healed. “Yes, Sire.”
Marco growled and crossed his arms over his massive hairy chest. “I don’t even know why you’re acting surprised about fucking us. Why do you think I had my finger in your ass prepping you? Ought to be glad I did that much. I normally don’t.”
“I thought you were just putting a salve on my hole after what happened,” Somchai said.
More laughter from his brothers.
“That shit you took was explosive, I’ll give you that. Father must have let you have one last human meal,” Marco said. “But no, I wasn’t trying to pamper your fuck hole, idiot.”
“Well, you sort of were by prepping him. That was kind of you, big brother,” Derek said with a cheeky grin.