Page 43 of You Will Obey
Yes, my Liege, those of us immune to the sun are helping where we can.
Very wise of you to take those measures, I complimented.
Yes, my Liege. We are following the protocol. Once I am done, I will come to you. Nolan and the others are guarding their homes where some vampires are protected.
I’ll leave you to take care of your duties and keep me posted.
Yes, my Liege.
I ended my connection with Michael, the oldest of Théoden’s children who had joined me when I claimed my Greece Territory. I stared at my cell as I awaited to hear back from Kendrick, and with every passing second, I was losing my patience. Perhaps, I’d call Queen Elsa in the meantime. She owed me a favor. I contacted her and her human servant answered, but once I insisted he raise her, he did.
“What is the meaning of this, Ara?” Elsa asked, the annoyance in her tone very evident, but I didn't care.
“Alexander has attacked my Japanese territory and killed so many of my vampires, including my second eldest son, Titus,’ I said.
“Oh, my heavens, I’m sorry, Ara,” Elsa said, giving me her condolences. “How is it that Alexander can attack you now?”
“He has done the impossible,” I said, then went on to explain.
“My god,” she gasped. “He’s practically invincible now.”
“Not entirely. I need your help, that is why I’ve called. How many vampires can you spare to aid me?”
“None, Ara. It is during the day, and unlike you, I don’t have any vampires who are immune to the sun.”
“You have powerful vampires who can travel protected from the sun to be able to reach my territories. And in America, you have your Heaven’s Stone vampires who can lend aid to mine in New Haven,” I pointed out.
“And send them to their deaths? What can my vampires do against those of Alexander’s army now that he’s elevated his army?” Elsa said.
“I don’t recall asking you what my sons could do to help you when you asked for my aid all those centuries ago,” I reminded her, because I didn’t appreciate what she was attempting to do now.
“And I am very grateful, Ara. But once again, let me remind you, that I paid you back for that favor by allowing your vampires access into my territories on several occasions, even recently when your son, Théoden, sought some human rebel he desired. I am sorry, my dear friend, I cannot help you,” Elsa said.
“Can’t, or won’t?”
“Both. I wish you luck,” she said, then ended the call.
Once again, I resisted the urge to smash my phone into bits and pieces as I still needed the little device. I contacted Nikolai Petrov, the vampire Royal King in Russia.
“Imagine my surprise to get a call from you at this time of day, Ara. It must be an emergency,” Nikolai said.
“One of grave importance. Alexander has attacked my Japanese territory, you are quite close. He has acquired new powers,” I said, then explained what they were. “My friend, I ask for your aid in my time of need. Can you help me?”
“Against vampires who can control fire, fly, and have dual venoms?” Nikolai laughed. “I think not.”
I growled. “You would forsake me?”
“I did warn you, Ara, that taking his territory two hundred years ago would incur his wrath. Alexander holds grudges like no other. But your greed led you to this unfortunate situation. May you learn from this… if you survive.”
“We’ve all claimed territory.”
“Ah, but you more than others… save Amara.”
“So, you will not help me.”
“I will remember this.”