Page 87 of You Will Obey
“Meaning?” Elijah asked.
“We encourage you to grow your pack. We won’t interfere with that, as the larger you are, the more of a benefit to us that will be,” Théoden said. “We will not interfere with how you discipline your pack as we know, wolves need a firm hand. We will collaborate with you if we are under attack, but you will control your pack in that regard, as Josef does.”
It was a good thing I wasn't holding my cell phone, I might have thrown it. “And my territory that I already own?”
“It remains yours. My King is very benevolent, Deacon. He doesn’t want to take away what’s yours.”
I scoffed. “Why would he, it’s all his now, right?”
“Very much so,” Théoden said, and I swore I could hear the arrogant smile in his tone.
“And will he decide where my wolves can stay in your other territories?”
“They’re free to find their own homes, just as long as it’s in Ara’s Kingdom,” Théoden said. “One more thing, vampires will be living in your territory as well, as they live in Josef’s. It will be known as District Seven for us.”
I frowned. “What? Why?”
“Because it is what Ara wants, and that is all you need to know.”
“You just stated that I will control my territory, but with vampires moving here, that doesn’t sound like it,” I said.
“You can control your pack in your territory. My General will control my vampires in Ara’s territory. It’s as simple as that. Think of it this way, Deacon. If you are threatened, Ara’s army will be on hand to help you defend. This is, but another wonderful benefit he’s granting you,” Théoden said.
Talk about pissing on my face and calling it rain. Eli gave me another hug, because I knew he could sense my temper rising. If I’d been a tea kettle, my whistle would be blaring. “How many?”
“I’ll be sending five hundred this month. They will each sire another for a solid thousand vampires. How many natural borns do you have who are still human?”
“Twenty-eight, some are still children,” I said, and I hated where this discussion was going. The last thing I wanted was his bloodsuckers in my territory.
“Send one to me who is an adult so that I may sire him. He will be the General in your district. Someone to watch over my vampires,” Théoden said. “When he is ready, I will have him sire another one of your half-breeds to be the Lord of District Seven.”
I had to pause just to process everything that was coming at me. I turned, and Elijah released me, stepping back. We locked eyes and he gave me another reassuring look. We knew many demands would be put on us for what we’d gained.
I licked my lips. “So, does that mean they’ll be in that one section?”
“Your territory will be open to all of my vampires, Deacon. This is non-negotiable. If you want to know how to manage, feel free to contact Josef to see how he handles it,” Théoden stated.
I inhaled, then released it slowly. “So, when am I supposed to arrange this?” I asked.
“No time like the present and you have much to do. We’ve already sent vampire Princes, Generals, and Lords to settle the new territories. Josef has sent wolves to join and you will do the same,” Théoden said.
“So, can I also travel to these lands?” I asked.
“Of course. That was one of the benefits my sire bequeathed to you. Tell me, has Kendrick offered the same?”
“No, but then again, he also didn’t need my help like you all did,” I shot back.
“In any case, your world has opened up for you now, Deacon. Hell, my Sire might even arrange for you and Elijah to vacation in England. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to return to the land of your birth?”
Hearing the name of my mother country leave Théoden’s lips hit a spot in my heart that was equal parts fond memories and pain. But yes, I’d love to be able to travel there. “To London?” I asked.
“Perhaps, but more importantly, in the territory owned by Queen Elsa.”
“Dragons now own the territory that I once called home.”
“Nothing is impossible, Deacon. Maybe, Ara and Kendrick can decide that they want to take it for themselves. You would help them on their campaign to reclaim your home. I’m telling you these things because I need you to focus on the possibilities we’ve extended to you and not any perceived loss of power and control on your end,” Théoden said.
I sighed, because I couldn’t deny his words. Elijah kissed my cheek, then nodded. I looked at my cell phone sitting screen up on my desk. “I’ll send fifty wolves to those territories. But Elijah and I will be increasing our ranks as quickly as possible now that we’ll be spread so thin.”