Page 9 of You Will Obey
“It won’t happen again, Father.”
Donovan rolled his eyes and sighed before taking another puff. “Oh, it will, but not tonight. You’re too stubborn for it to not happen again.” He took another puff, then gestured for Killian to open his mouth. When his child obeyed, he leaned forward, blowing the smoke into Killian’s mouth for the vampire to inhale and enjoy. Then the two kissed, their tongues mingling, and Donovan licked the bit of blood off his child’s lip. “Go.” He waved his child off, then turned from Killian, who walked into the bathroom. “See why I need one of these?” He held the joint up as reference.
I chuckled. “I’m still impressed. I had made certain to find you a human who would test you in every way. So, tell me, how did you break him?”
Donovan smiled at the compliment and sat back down on the edge of the bed in front of me. Again, he offered me the joint and I accepted it and took a few puffs before returning it. I could already feel the calming effects of the joint and knew it had to have something else inside other than just blood and marijuana.
“It wasn’t easy and took a whole lot of patience on my end, Sire,” Donovan said. He inhaled one last puff on the joint, then put it out with his fingertips before continuing. “I knew you’d given me a fucker more stubborn than a damn mule and twice as onery.”
I laughed at that, but didn’t say anything.
“So, butting heads with him just wasn’t anything I wanted to do, Father.” He leaned back on his hands and crossed his legs at the ankles. Like all of my sons, he wasn’t shy about being naked, and why should he be? He was beautiful, and his soft cock and balls rested heavily between his well-toned thighs. He smiled at me. “So, I told him what I expected from him. I wanted him to feed, to hunt, and to obey. To fuck me whenever I wanted. He, of course, told me where I could stick my demands. I didn’t bother to argue with him or fight. Instead, I made it my will that he wouldn’t be able to cum no matter how much or how hard he needed to. At first, he refused to feed, because he didn’t want to kill. So, I locked him up for a week. A full seven days. But each day, I put a cup of blood in front of him that he couldn’t reach, just to drive him insane with hunger. On the seventh day, I asked him if he was ready to feed now, or did he need more time to reflect.”
“He was ready?” I asked.
Donovan half snorted and half laughed. “Oh yeah, Sire. More than ready. After that, I didn’t have any issue with him feeding. We began hunting together as I taught him the ropes. When I tried to fuck him after we fed, he pushed me back, even punched me. I beat his ass for striking me, because that I will never accept. But as far as him refusing to fuck me, that’s when I told him that I wouldn’t allow him to cum, ever, until he gave in to me.”
“How long before he did?”
Donovan cocked his eyebrow. “Longer than I thought it would take. Like I said, he’s stubborn and ornery. He finally gave in two weeks ago.”
“Over a month?” Hell, I wasn’t even sure if stubborn was the word to describe Killian’s refusal. Insanity was more like it.
Donovan smiled and nodded. “He’s still rough around the edges as you’ve seen, but he’s learning his place, Father.”
“I’m happy to see such progress. I knew you’d be a great Sire once you stopped being so obstinate yourself. Moving on to another issue I’m concerned about. Have you heard anything about Somchai’s cell? Their whereabouts?”
Donovan’s smile faded and he shook his head. “I’ve had eyes and ears on the street looking, but no sign of them in my neck of the woods, Sire.”
I snarled because it was frustrating tracking down these bothersome humans. I rose from the chair and adjusted my cock, which had been hard while watching Donovan fuck his son. But now, I was soft again. “Keep me abreast of any information you get.”
“Yes, of course, Sire.”
“And your district, how is it?”
“Running smoothly, Father. New vampires have been sired, no disputes to date, and all dues are paid without incident,” Donovan reported.
I nodded. “Excellent. I’ll leave you to your evening.” I stepped to him and reached over, caressing his jaw. He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch. I lifted his face to mine and leaned down, kissing my son. He gave himself to me, parting his lips, and I slipped my tongue between them. Our kiss was passionate and full of the pride and love I had for him. When I pulled away, he moaned, almost whining.
“I miss waking up next to you, Sire,” Donovan said as he looked up at me with those big, brown eyes that had won me over all those centuries ago.
“I know, but it was time.” I released him, then walked out of his room, leaving his house altogether. I had to leave, because I felt a pang of pain at the memory of having all of my children with me. I wondered if what I was feeling was how Ara felt when he’d released me from his House? The birds leaving the nest when they learned to fly on their own. It still hurt. I started my car, then headed to Dante’s home. He was going to sire his second son tonight and I was eager to meet my soon-to-be newest grandchild.
Chapter three
“Ohshit,baby,”Dantemoaned as his eyes rolled up right before he closed them.
I rotated my hips, swirling my ass over his beautifully pierced cock, making sure his rings rubbed my prostate the way I loved it. I liked looking at him over my shoulder the way I was now, seeing him in the throes of passion and pleasure. He opened his hypnotic green eyes and looked at me, then down at my bubbled ass that bounced on his lap. He slapped both of my cheeks and I giggled, then purred.
“My ass feels good to you, baby?” I asked him, thickening my Russian accent, because I knew doing it made him insane with lust. I turned back around to see that we had an audience as more of our pack joined us for the upcoming ceremony. Many were watching us while stroking their cocks, or fucking too.
“Fuck, Josef, you know you got me right where you want me,” Dante said, then groaned in ecstasy. “I’m cumming.”
I stopped moving, then turned to frown at him. “Already?”
He grunted, his eyebrows furrowed, then he looked up at me. “Don’t stop.”