Page 30 of The CEO
Sujit hovered near the kitchen and Zac made a sign indicating they’d like drinks—anything to cool down—and Sujit bustled out shortly after bearing two tall, icy glasses and a pitcher.
“Ever hadlassibefore?” He asked.
“It’s made from yogurt. Very refreshing. It should cool you down.”
While he’d need to dunk in a vat of the stuff to remotely cool down.
She took a tentative sip before gulping the cold, sweet liquid and running the frosted glass across her forehead, her eyelids fluttering shut as a relieved smile curved her lips. “That was good.”
Maybe thelassihad done the trick for her, but he was about to explode, and as she opened her eyes he bit back a groan.
“You’ve got a milk moustache, right about there.” He reached out before thinking better of touching her and pointed to her top lip, his words strangled.
She laughed and wiped her lip. “Thanks. Not a good look.”
He smiled and stuffed another piece ofnaaninto his mouth, concentrating on his food as he mopped up the last of the curry with the bread, anything to take his mind off how much he wanted her.
As he topped up her glass and she drank again, he had the strongest urge to reach over, pull her head toward him, and lick thelassifrom her top lip. Instead, he watched her do it, her tongue flicking out to caress her top lip in a slow sweep, and he almost bolted from the table.
“If you’re finished, I’ll take care of the bill and meet you at the car.”
She nodded, the loose strands of hair around her face floating in the breeze, the urge to brush them away making his gut clench all over again.
“Thanks for lunch, it was delicious. Sujit’s a great cook.”
As he pulled out her chair, his hand brushed her bare arm and he gritted his teeth at the feel of her silky, soft skin. At this rate, he wouldn’t be able to walk.
“See you at the car,” he muttered, her open expression telling him she had no idea how much he was struggling with his libido as he turned away and called out to Sujit who appeared from the kitchen in an instant.
“Mr. Zac, your friend is special.” Sujit’s lilting accent held a wistful note. “You have known her long, yes?”
“Not long. Though I agree, she’s special.”
So special he’d given up a valuable day to be with her. After last night, he’d almost reneged on their tour; he could’ve spent his day off catching up on paperwork and following up that fax pointing to their suspected spy.
But wanting to cancel had been more than business; not only had that jerk of an ex done a number on her for sex, he’d lied to her, and the second Zac heard that he knew he shouldn’t get involved.
Because he was lying to her too.
Every moment he let her believe he was a PR manager at sea he was being dishonest, and while saving the company demanded duplicity—and ultimately, making good on his promise to his uncle—it didn’t stop him hating every second of his deceit.
So he’d told her a partial truth to compensate for his guilt, told her how badly he wanted her, expecting her to run at the mention of a date let alone anything else.
Instead, her response to his kiss had shaken him as much as the fact she’d stood her ground and hadn’t run, and while he’d planned on begging off today, the memories of her fiery reaction had kept him up all night and drawn him here today.
“It must be serious. You have never brought a woman to Sujit’s humble café before. Are you going to marry her?”
“No.” A strange tingle ran up Zac’s spine, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. “I’m just showing her around your lovely island today. She’ll be leaving the ship in a week.”
“Ah, she lives in Australia. Why should that stop you from marrying? You also live there, yes?”
“Yeah, but she’s a friend, and I’m not remotely interested in marrying her or anybody else for that matter.”
Been there, done that, never forgotten the folly.
Sujit grinned. “Whatever you say, though trust old Sujit, he has a feeling in his bones about this one.”