Page 3 of Sorry Season
He scanned her face as if looking for answers, those slate grey eyes as frank and warm as they’d always been, beautiful, honest eyes that saidtrust me.
Foolishly, she’d once complied.
“I’m fine.”
A big, fat lie if ever she heard one. How could she be fine when the love of her life that had walked out on her without an explanation came waltzing in here on the same day she’d gladly handed him her heart once? Only to have it carved up three months later.
“What are you doing here?” She blurted, sliding the key-ring from index finger to index finger, the jangle as the keys clinked and clanked against one another loud in the growing silence.
“I came to see you.”
Her heart thudded at the sincerity in his eyes.
He was telling the truth.
She may not have seen him for six years but she’d never forget the way she could read his moods by the blue flecks in his eyes.
Indigo indicated happiness—the kind of intense, spontaneous happiness they’d had for twelve all-too-brief weeks.
Cobalt indicated honesty—she’d believed him when he’d said she was the only girl for him, that they’d always be together, that he’d love her forever.
Deep, smoky gentian meant passion—like the mind-blowing, unforgettable, once in a lifetime connection they’d shared.
Oh yeah, she could remember each and every shade of those flecks, had lost herself in those grey depths for three blissful months.
Until he’d walked away.
So what if those flecks glowed cobalt now? Did his honesty count for anything when he hadn’t been able to confront her with the truth before leaving?
Hating the surge of emotion making her stomach gripe, she stepped back, forcing him to release his hold on her elbow, and irrationally missing the contact.
Crazy, but her body had softened under his touch, had unwittingly leaned toward him, knowing on some subconscious level the one guy to ever know her intimately was back. And by the strange heat seeping through her muscles, her traitorous body was rejoicing while logic screamed ‘don’t trust him’.
“You came to see me?” She made an embarrassing scoffing sound. “Well, here I am. Now that you’ve seen me, why don’t you leave?”
He grinned and she struggled not to gasp at the impact, her pulse doing a familiar tango through her veins.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” she snapped, mentally clapping a hand over her mouth while slapping her upside the head with the other.
An emotional outburst like that would suggest she still cared—which she didn’t, she couldn’t—and the last thing she needed was him hanging around trying to rehash the past.
To her chagrin he laughed, a sound that warmed her better than any cappuccino she’d ever drunk. And she’d drunk the equivalent of a year’s supply of Brazilian beans after he’d left to recapture half the heat he used to make her feel.
“Guess I deserved that.”
“And the rest.”
The laugh lines around his eyes deepened. “Go ahead. Get it all out of your system.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
She toyed with the keys, torn between the urge to do exactly as he’d said—and tell him how heartbroken she’d been, how she’d searched for him for a year, how she hadn’t let another guy close because of him, and the emotional fallout from their intense relationship—and booting him out the door without a backward glance.
“Cam, I know you don’t want to kick me out.”