Page 43 of Sorry Season
“Go with the flow,” he repeated, smiling against her mouth as he moved a tad to the left, his pelvis snuggling into hers, showing her exactly how ready he was to go with the flow.
A quiver of longing shot through her, urging her to believe in the man she loved, to ignore her doubts.
He pulled away and stared down at her, grey eyes magnetic. “You’re it for me, Cam. For always.”
His lips slowly descended to meet hers in a soul-reaching, shivery kiss, before he whispered, “Let me love you.”
Her resolve melted on a river of hot, intense desire, her need to have him swift and powerful and all-consuming, obliterating her anguish at never being enough for him.
Her heart flipped, her legs wobbled, and her hands shook as she placed them against his chest, so warm, so solid, and slowly nodded. “But there’s no furniture.”
“Who needs furniture?” His smile, as intimate as the heavenly kiss they’d just shared, set her pulse racing as he tugged on her hand and pointed to a pile of neatly folded drop sheets in the corner of the room. “Looks like the painters haven’t used those yet?”
Chuckling, she sent him a teasing look from beneath lowered lashes. “You’re very inventive.”
With a low groan, he pulled her flush against him. “You drive me wild.”
This was it. Her last chance to drive home the ramifications of their reunion despite the obstacles facing them. But with the man of her dreams holding her, caressing her, promising to love her unconditionally, she threw her reservations away.
She had a lifetime to live with the agony of not being able to add to their family. Right now, she needed to lose herself in him.
Her soul aching with the depth of love for this amazing man, she raised her gaze to his. “Show me.”
“My pleasure.”
He released her hand and started unbuttoning her top, slipping buttons through loops with slow precision, her breath catching each and every time his fingers grazed her skin.
Empowered by the adoration in his eyes, she shimmied out of it, her pulse skittering when he reached out and trailed a finger from one collarbone to the next, dipping briefly into her cleavage, teasing her, building the anticipation until she could barely stand.
“Now, let me show you exactly how wild you drive me.”
His lips brushed against hers, once, twice, before he moved across the room, shook out several drop cloths and placed them on the ground as if laying out an ermine blanket for a princess to picnic on.
“Care to join me?” His slow, sexy smile captivated her and she moved toward him, impelled by an overwhelming need to make lasting memories with her husband.
The air around them electrified as she put one foot in front of the other, drifting toward him, his gaze as soft as a caress travelling over her face, her body, his blatant adoration sending her spirits soaring and making her body tremble.
Taking his outstretched hand, she released a ragged breath as they sank onto the floor together, and in a flurry of discarded clothes and desperate fondling and frantic caresses, with the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows and casting stark shadows against the walls, Camryn ignored her reservations, her worries, and the conviction she would never be enough for him, and lost herself in the pleasure of her husband.
Chapter Thirteen
Blane followed the exuberant squeals coming from the backyard of his youngest sister’s place, preparing for the launch of two tiny bodies into his arms.
As much as he loved Jodi, he knew he wouldn’t spend half as much time here if it wasn’t for the twins, James and Jemma.
Patting down his pockets to make sure he hadn’t forgotten this week’s treat, he rounded the corner and pushed through the back gate, bracing himself as the twins lifted their heads in unison at the squeak of the rusty hinge, caught sight of him, and rocketed out of the sandpit, making a beeline straight for him.
“Hey, kiddos.”
He bent down and opened his arms a split second before two sturdy bodies hurled themselves at him, wrapping grubby hands around his neck and slobbering sloppy kisses on his cheeks.
“Uncle Blay, Uncle Blay!” They yelled in chorus, trying to outdo each other in the clambering stakes, grabbing his hair and ears, and giggling like they’d downed a liter of red cordial.
“Hey, you two.” He tickled and hugged them until the noise level reached ear-splitting levels, disentangling arms and legs before setting James on his feet and Jemma alongside him. “Have you been good for your mom this week?”
“Uh-huh.” James, bold and astute, blue eyes wide and expectant, stared at his pockets, while his sister, uncharacteristically shy, stuck her thumb in her mouth.