Page 45 of Sorry Season
He smiled, used to his sister’s histrionics. “That’s the one.”
“What’s going on with you two? How did you find her? Are you reuniting?” Jodi rested her folded arms on the top of her belly and glared at him. “Come on, bro, spill the goss before I go into premature labor trying to get the teensiest bit of news out of you.”
Chuckling, he tilted his face up to the sun, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the warmth on his face, knowing it would drive his nosy sister batty.
“Blane, I’m not kidding. Either you tell me this very minute what’s going on with you or I’ll get Sandi, Monica, and Mom on the phone in a conference call right this very minute and you know how much worse they are than me so—”
“Okay, okay, hang on to your baby bonnet.” He opened an eye and squinted at her. “Actually, that conference call mightn’t be a bad idea. Save you the trouble of getting onto the phone and spreading the news the minute I walk out of here.”
“Funny guy.” She waggled her finger at him in the same way he’d seen her admonish the twins countless times before. “What’s going on with you and Cam? And more importantly, when do we get to meet her?”
Opening his eyes, he sat up and reached for an apricot, cramming it into his mouth and chewing quickly, aware his sis wouldn’t hold out much longer.
Taking a slug of water, he leaned across the table and shot her a conspiratorial wink. “What’s going on? We’re back together, that’s what.”
Jodi squealed and clapped her hands. “That’s brilliant, I’m so happy for you.”
“I’m happy too,” he said, and meant it.
When he’d first located Cam and put his plans for the house into action, he’d hoped the powerful connection they once had would still be alive, that she’d be willing to hear him out and take another chance on them.
Now they were a couple again, he could hardly believe his luck.
“I’ve never seen you like this,” Jodi said, her curiosity evident in her lowered voice, for his youngest sister never spoke in anything lower than a bellow. “I’m really looking forward to meeting the woman who can make you look like that.”
“You’ll meet her soon enough.”
When he had enough time to warn Cam about the Andrews clan and the likely barrage of noise, warmth, and bear-hugs she’d receive.
Jodi tilted her chin up in the classic challenging pose of all the Andrews sisters. “When?”
Smiling, he pushed the fruit platter across to her. “Here, junior needs his or her daily dose of vitamins.”
“Don’t try to distract me, it won’t work.” She popped a plump raspberry into her mouth, wincing slightly at its tartness. “I want to meet your wife.”
“You will.”
Though he wanted Cam to himself for a little longer. After six years apart, six years too long, it wasn’t too much to ask.
“So why the funny expression when I mentioned you two having kids?”
He should’ve known Jodi would never let up, but he’d be damned if he sat here and discussed Cam’s medical history with his nosy sister.
“Leave it alone, Sis. We’ve only just reunited so give us a break, okay?”
She fixed him with a shrewd stare, her mouth opening in readiness to pump him for more info and he held up a hand.
“Not another word. Change the subject or I’ll make sure you don’t meet Cam for the next year.”
“You’re no fun.” She huffed, shooting him a killer glare as she nibbled a dry biscuit. “You can’t blame me for being curious.”
“Patience, Sis, patience. You’ll meet her soon enough.”
As for divulging the rest, there was no way he’d be sharing their personal business with his family. The Andrews clan was just that: one big happy family with kids taking a starring role.
If Cam already had doubts about his devotion to Cam without the bonus of children, he didn’t need his boisterous, rowdy family poking their prying noses in where they didn’t belong and adding to her skittishness.
Jodi frowned. “Okay but you better make it soon. Otherwise I’ll definitely sic Sandi, Mon, and Mom onto you. And you won’t stand a chance of holding us all at bay.”