Page 61 of Sorry Season
He sat bolt upright, stunned by the simplicity of it all.
He had a plan.
A good one.
And just like the blueprints for his house, he had to start at the ground level and build upward, putting each step in place before he could achieve the best result.
“Here you go.” Anna placed a steaming espresso in front of him, a pierced eyebrow raised. “Well? Are you going to make Cam’s day or not?”
“Actually, I’ve been thinking about that…”
He crooked his finger, waiting until Anna leaned forward before divulging some of his plan and the part she had to play in it.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Camryn stepped out of the shower and towel dried her hair when her cell rang.
Staring at the display screen, her heart sank. It was the café, which had closed an hour ago, meaning the alarm—linked to her phone if there was a problem—was playing up again.
Great. Looked like her plan to head to Blane’s straight after her jet lag-induced all-day nap and pick-me-up shower had hit a snag.
She loved theNiche, adored every chic inch, from the silk bolster cushions to the exposed beams and everything in between, but it was times like this when being her own boss wasn’t the be all and end all she once thought.
She dragged on her favourite purple yoga pants and matching striped hoodie, slipped her feet into fuchsia flip-flops, grabbed her keys, and headed to the café.
The buzz of Melbourne at night hit her as she stepped out of her apartment building and crossed the road to the café, and a thrill of pleasure shot through her.
This was why she’d moved here in the first place: the neon lit restaurants, the bars packed to capacity with revellersspilling out onto the sidewalk, the glittering cityscape backdrop reflecting off the water.
Oh yeah, Melbourne was where it was at…but was it whereshewas at these days? That all depended on her very sexy husband.
She unlocked the rear door and slipped into the café, waiting for the beep of the alarm and predictably, greeted by silence.
“Useless piece of…” She froze, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as she saw a silhouette rise from one of the sofas in the lounge area and turn toward her.
Adrenalin shot through her as she cast a desperate glance at the set of cake knives several meters away. Several long meters away, and as the shadow moved toward her, she stood paralyzed, belatedly remembering the spate of robberies eleven months ago when she’d moved in with Blane.
Her pulse hammered at a frightening pace as she eased toward the knives, until she recognized the intruder.
Sagging with relief against the bar, she took great gulps of air to fill her constricted lungs.
“What are you doing here? You scared me half to death.”
Blane smiled and her lungs didn’t let up. If anything, they seized more.
“Sorry. I wanted to surprise you.”
“You certainly achieved that.”
His smile faded at her aggressive response and she sighed. She always seemed to be screwing up around him, when in reality she’d wanted to see him. Probably not in her grungiest clothes but the sooner she told him her news, the better.
She stepped around the bar and moved toward him. “Actually, it’s good to see you. I’m glad you’re here.”
“Are you?” He scanned her face, searching for answers she had every intention of giving him.
“When you didn’t answer my text I thought you might’ve moved on.”
He shook his head. “I was giving you the space you needed.”