Page 13 of The Trolley Kiss
I brush my hair behind my ear, giving him a small smile and taking a few moments to consider what he’s saying.
“For starters?” I ask.
“Hm?” he asks, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head in question.
“Yeah, you said for starters,” I laugh. “What else you got?”
He leans back and smirks again. “On second thought, you’re probably perfect for each other.”
“Ass,” I laugh, rolling my eyes.
Chapter 6
“Name for the order?” the lady behind the counter asks me.
“We’ll call your name when it’s ready.”
I walk to the side to wait for my coffee and muffin. I couldn’t do another day alone in the break room with Declan. Especially not when he’s making me feel all these things I don’t want to be feeling right now. I had to get out of the office for lunch.
I wasn’t super hungry since the sales rep from our office supply vendor brought in donuts this morning, so I decided to run to the coffee shop down the street from my office. I am so deep in thought, trying to figure out this whole Declan situation that I don’t even notice anyone approaching me.
A shiver runs up my spine at the deep voice behind me. It’s not nerves I’m feeling. It’s excitement.
I turn with a snarky smirk. “Are you stalking me now?”
Declan opens his eyes wide, looking back over his shoulder before smiling at me. “Stalking? Wow,” he laughs nervously. “You did give me your number, did you not?”
“I’m sorry, what?” I ask, confused.
He holds his hand to his heart dramatically. “Ouch! You don’t even remember me, do you?”
It takes me a few seconds to understand what is happening. My eyes open wider when I notice the subtle differences between Declan and the man standing in front of me. His hair a little more shaggy. His posture a little less intimidating. His demeanor a little more playful. His eyes not so piercing.
“The trolley,” I whisper to myself in realization.
The man nods with a smile. “You got it! I’m Mack.”
“Addy,” I manage to reply.
He looks at the ground before flicking his eyes back to mine. “Sorry, I promise I’m not stalking you. Just getting lunch.” His smile drops slightly. “Although, I can’t deny I was disappointed when you didn’t text me back.”
Even though I’m still trying to process what is happening, I can’t help but want to flirt back. That same excitement I felt that night hits me again. And I’d do anything to be able to feel it again. To feel anything again.
“I’m sorry, I’m still confused. I didn’t get anything?”
His smile grows. “I promise I texted you. See, here.” He grabs his phone out of his pocket and opens his texting app. “Right here. I know you didn’t reply because I’ve checked it every day.”
The giggle that comes out of my mouth is embarrassing. “Let me see,” I say as I look at the message closer.
Mack:Since I worked so hard to get your number, does that give me any brownie points in asking you out?
The timestamp shows he sent the message only minutes after we separated that night. My heart leaps in my chest when I look at the number and see it’s just one number off.
I smile at him. “It’s supposed to be a five, not a four.”