Page 18 of The Trolley Kiss
He shifts his body toward me and pushes his shoulders back, extending his hand to me. “So, friends?”
I try to hide how big my smile wants to be right now and grab his hand with mine. “I would like that.”
I love how easy everything is with him. There’s no pressure to be someone I’m not. He really does feel like a friend.
Well, shit.
I know I wanted casual, but I was thinking more along the lines of friends with benefits. I don’t know though. I’m so confused, and I know it’s Declan’s fault.
Mack looks exactly like him, but he doesn’t make me feel the same things. Specifically all the things I shouldn’t be feeling for Declan, especially not in the middle of the day right by all my coworkers. Or worse, the things I think about him when I’m alone at night in my bed.
I think his words are just messing with me. It didn’t sit right with me how he was upset. I hate making people upset. Well, he can’t very well be mad at me if nothing physical even happens tonight.
Fuck, no! Stop! I don’t care what he thinks.
“I should probably get going,” I say anyway.
He nods. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Nothing good happens when friends hang out past midnight.”
I laugh as I get up from my chair and start walking toward the door with him. “Oh? Sounds like you know from experience.”
His eyes narrow slightly. “What can I say?” He pauses and runs his eyes down to my toes. “I’m not a very good friend.”
My heart pounds against my chest, and I take a breath of relief, finally able to feel something. My body is so aware of every emotion even when it’s fleeting. It’s hyper-aware of any feeling that isn’t pain or numbness.
I crave it. I need it.
“You’re trouble.”
He leans in and places a small kiss on my cheek. “Text me when you get home.”
My Uber only takes a moment to arrive since we’re right downtown. I’m still buzzed when I’m halfway home, and against my better judgment, I pull out my phone.
Me:Chris, why didn’t you just tell me what was going on? We could have been friends. We still can be friends. I still care about you.
Chapter 8
“Wha-, what the fuck?” I squeal as my office chair rolls backward with me in it. I clamp down on the armrest to not fall as the chair flips around, bringing me eye to eye with Declan.
He doesn’t look happy.
“What did I tell you?” he asks, towering over me.
I lean back in the chair, matching his stare. “Can I help you with something, Declan?” I ask with just a kiss of sass.
“You,” he grits through his teeth, pointing at the ground. “Come with me. Now.”
He doesn’t wait for a response before marching into the open meeting room next to my office area. I debate even following him in there, but it’s like I can’t help myself. My legs wandered over into the room like they had a mind of their own.
“Yes?” I ask sickly sweet.
He flips around to face me. “Pick someone else.”
“What?” I giggle nervously.
“Just pick someone else. Not Mack.”