Page 2 of The Trolley Kiss
Tiff gives me a condescending look, placing her hand on her hip. “Well, we forbade Addy from texting her ex tonight too, and we all know how that turned out.”
I take another sip of the champagne, pretending to be innocent. “I had a moment of weakness. Sue me.”
Tiff tips back the rest of her champagne before throwing the plastic cup in the trash bag. “You know what you need, Addy? A distraction.”
Before I can stop her, she’s standing on top of one of the seats and hanging off the pole, leaning toward the group. “Attention ladies! We have a woman here tonight who broke the rule about contacting the men in our lives!”
“Boo!” they all shout in unison.
“I know! I know!” She attempts to calm the drunk bitches down. “And what should the consequences be for such behavior?”
Some interesting but mostly vulgar suggestions are thrown around while I lean back against the wall, shaking my head at the ground. I laugh, feeling disappointed yet somehow being proud as well. I love them.
Sam steps up onto the bench next to Tiff. “I think there’s really only one solution!”
I look up at her, and she grins at me before turning back to the rest of the girls. “If she’s going to be acting like a damsel in distress, then there’s only one option.”
I can already tell I’m going to regret sending that text to Chris before the words even come out of her mouth. “We’ll need to find a prince charming to come and kiss the curse away!”
“Sam…” I say in warning, but it’s too late. The rest of the girls are already hooting and hollering, calling out to the men waiting outside nightclubs and walking down the street.
I laugh and roll my eyes as I head out to the back area again, sipping on a cocktail while I watch the situation unfold. Tiffany joins me in the back. She’s probably the most pushy of them all, calling out to the guys and basically presenting me as cattle for the slaughtering.
The trolley comes to a halt on the corner of four different bars at the red light. Tiff zeros in on a group of men at the corner closest to us. “Hey you!” she shouts at them.
They all turn out of curiosity, but only one of them responds. “Yeah?” he asks as he steps closer like there was no way she could possibly be talking to anyone but him.
I can tell she likes his confidence. “Just the man I was looking for.”
He steps forward again, differentiating himself from the group of guys that are now behind him. “Must be fate because here I am.”
I giggle, and Tiff gives him a flirty smile. “Yeah? So you believe in destiny?”
His mouth tips up to the side as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Of course.”
“How about fairy tales?”
“How could I not?”
She nods her head toward me. “And how about this hot babe? You’d do her?”
My eyes pop open wide. “Tiffany! What the fuck!” I yell with a laugh. I’m too embarrassed to even look back his way.
My head whips in his direction. “Never in a million years.” I try to put a stop to that train process before it leaves the station, but his smile makes me nervous. “Respectfully,” I add. “It’s not like I find you unattractive or something.” I stumble over my words as I undress him with my eyes.
Tiff cuts me off before I embarrass myself even more. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” She turns back to the man. “This woman is going to be kissed by a stranger by the end of the night. That’s a promise. So the question remains, do you want to be the one to put us out of our misery or do we have to continue this charade for the rest of the night?”
The trolley jerks slightly as it starts driving forward. I give Tiff a snarky smile before turning to the mystery man and shrugging, thinking that’s the end of that.
“Oh, hell no!” he calls out as he starts jogging across the intersection, chasing after us. “It’s fucking going to be me.”
I laugh, thinking he’s joking, but he scans the road momentarily before running behind the trolley until he reaches us. I open my eyes wide as he grabs onto the back railing and pulls himself up.
“Are you crazy?” I shout.
The girls behind me are all squealing their approval, which only seems to encourage him more as he holds himself up against the bar. I swear his smile actually sparkles as he winks at me. “So how does this work exactly? Might I lay a kiss on my fair lady?”