Page 6 of The Trolley Kiss
“So the controller accepted another job,” Roger says.
I shake my head slightly to focus on what he’s saying since I wasn’t paying attention to the first part. The controller accepted another job? So that means Mr. No Text isn’t going to be working here?
Before I can feel relieved, Roger continues. “We were planning on doing a full audit the next couple of quarters, so we’re just going to have to start without the new controller. Addy, I’ll need you to fill in the new controller once we find a replacement. HR already has some phone interviews scheduled for today, so hopefully it won’t take too long to find someone new.”
I nod, but I’m still not really sure what I’m agreeing to. Roger smiles at me. “Perfect! So this is Declan from MG Associates. He’ll be working with all the services teams to get all our processes up to date so that we’ll be ready for the audit at the end of the year.”
Mr. Smooch and Run lifts his hand in a small wave to the table before introducing himself, giving a brief explanation of his role and the company he’s with. I want to say I’m paying attention to what he’s saying, but all I can do is stare daggers at him. I need to let this go, but I can’t. I’m fuming. My knuckles turn white as I grasp onto the office chair arm rest, trying to keep my face neutral.
Roger smiles my way. “Addy, would you mind showing Declan around the building?” Before I can respond, he nods at my boss, Scott, “Deck, Scott and I will meet up with you after our nine-thirty.”
“Sounds good.” He smiles at him only for a moment before his gaze is back on me.
The meeting is wrapping up, so I stand and chit chat with Nicole for a moment before I’m left alone in the conference room with Declan again. I’m already halfway out the door before I mumble something along the lines of follow me, bitch.
He catches up to me before I have a chance to take my next breath. “Hm? What was that?”
I give him my customer service smile that I’m sure he can tell is not genuine. “Right this way,” I say with too much sass.
My attitude only seems to intrigue him if his dumbass grin is any indication. I try to make this tour as fast as possible so I don’t have to be alone with him. I’d feel better if I could at least be surrounded by the people from my department. “Break room is the first door there. There’s a microwave, fridge, and a toaster. That’s about it. Most people leave for lunch.”
“You don’t?” he asks as he walks over to the door to check it out even though I was trying to skip past it.
“Sometimes.” I shrug, trying not to give away that I like having the breakroom to myself every day, and I certainly am not going to share it withhim.
The door clicks shut as he leans back against the counter, folding his arms across his chest. There’s something off about him that I didn’t notice until now. I squirm uncomfortably at the way he’s looking at me. I think that’s what’s throwing me off. It’s his eyes. They’re darker than I remember. Not in color exactly. Like they are more mischievous. More trouble. More darkness. More sadness.
The silence is too long, so I try to turn to leave, but his voice stops me. “So you won’t mind company?”
I whip back around, narrowing my eyes in challenge. “People eat at their desks too.”
His mouth twitches up to the side. “I like to walk away from my workstation.”
My voice lowers further as I lean on my hand against the counter next to him. “There’s picnic tables out front as well.”
“With the woods nearby? I’m sure the bugs are a nightmare.”
His smile tells me he’s egging me on on purpose. I grip the counter harder to keep my composure. “The second floor has empty offices.”
“An office implies I’m still available for work questions.”
“I doubt people are going to be seeking you out.” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. I want to say I regret it, but his cocky smile makes that impossible.
He somehow manages to invade my personal space without me noticing. “You’d be surprised.”
I hate the way my body responds to him. I’m attracted to him no matter how much I don’t want to be. I know it’s why I’m overcompensating. I can’t stop myself.
“You could eat in your car. No one to bother you there.”
I can’t tell if his laugh is an annoyance or amusement. “I’d have to run my a/c. Hardly seems good for the environment.”
My only option besides backing down is to get closer in his face, so obviously there was no choice at all. “I doubt there’s many environments you leave better than when you arrived.”
He finally relents, stepping back and exhaling a laugh of disbelief. “I’m genuinely curious what exactly I did to make you hate me in the whole fifteen minutes we’ve known each other.”
My eyes practically roll back into my skull as I don’t even try to hide my disgusted face. I’ll admit I thought about pretending I was too drunk to remember him, but now I’m just insulted. There’s no way. His tongue was down my throat.
“Look, we have to work together, so the sooner we admit what happened and move forward, the better.” I grab my wrist with my right hand, attempting to appear confident.