Page 66 of The Trolley Kiss
His cocky smile already makes me regret it. “Aw, don’t worry princess. You still get me once a week.”
“You know,” I say, setting my cup back on the coffee table and turning to face him. “I feel like we probably should set some ground rules.”
“Ground rules?” he mocks, lifting his eyebrows with a smirk. “Sure, Addy, whatever you want.”
I fold my legs up under me and get comfy. “Okay, do you have anything you want to start with?”
He tries to hold back his smile, but he can’t. He thinks I’m being ridiculous. “No, but I have a feeling you do.”
“Yeah, actually I do,” I say with a little too much spite.
“I’m all ears.” He leans back against the couch and waits for me to continue with a huge smile on his face.
“Okay. First rule, no promises.”
He lifts one eyebrow. “Promises about what?”
“Anything. Everything. Especially pertaining to the future.”
His jaw tenses slightly as he readjusts in his seat. “Okay, and?”
“And no apologies.”
“Apologies imply that you have expectations of someone, which we don’t.”
“Right.” His shoulders fall as he sighs. “Anything else?”
“No,” I say, looking away from him back to the TV.
He grabs his chopsticks and pops one of his own sushi rolls in his mouth. I whip around to face him. “Wait!”
He pauses midchew, looking my way. “Yes?”
“What if we start a show?”
“A show?”
“Yeah,” I shrug, looking down at my hands before meeting his gaze again. “Like if we start a show together.”
“I’m confused.”
“Rules, Declan. Focus.”
“How can I?” he laughs.
I let out a frustrated noise. “A show! If we start a show together, and we watch it together, then it’s our show. No one is allowed to watch it without the other person.”
“Why are you the most passionate about this rule?” he teases.
I narrow my eyes. “If you show-cheat, then we’re done. No exceptions.”
“Oh yeah?” He gets close up in my face. “Well, same goes for you, princess. Seems like you’re the one we have to worry about. Not me.”
I lean back, offended. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He reaches for another bite of food. “I mean, it’s obvious. You’re worried about it because you’re guilty of doing it yourself.”