Page 105 of Hunting Graves
There’s another bump and a hissed curse and I fly down the stairs with urgency, until I hear Axel groan, “Peony.”
Pausing at the foot of the stairs, I smile. He’s slurring pretty badly, and I don’t blame Kaiden and Zie for not wanting to drag his drunken ass up the stairs.
Deciding to offer the boys a hand, I cross to the study door and push the door open, but the scene before me makes me freeze.
Axel is laid on the sofa where our wedding planner sat during our meeting the other day. The only problem is that he’s half undressed and said wedding planner is straddling him, completely naked.
“What the fuck?!” I hiss.
Eowyn’s head snaps up so suddenly I think she might break her neck. Thankfully she doesn’t; that pleasure is going to be all mine.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I demand. Her jaw falls open in shock but she quickly masks it and throws me a triumphant grin.
“Run along little doe, this doesn’t concern you,” she sneers, turning her attention back to Axel and dragging her nails down his chest. He groans.
I’ll kill him. I’ll kill them both.
“Like fuck it doesn’t,” I seethe, striding over to them.
When I get closer and see that Axel is barely conscious, the red mist comes down.
He didn’t consent to this.
“What the fuck have you done?” Eowyn gives me a feline grin but doesn’t respond. “What’s wrong with him? Where are the others? What have you done?”
“What have I done? Nothing yet. But if you give us five minutes I’ll have secured my place by his side forever.”
I snarl, my anger making me lose control and turn into something feral. The need to hurt her is overwhelming and I’m fully prepared to surrender to the dark monster inside of me. “You’re fucking deluded.”
She growls at me and then forces her psychosis back under control. “I’mnot the deluded one, hun. Your so called fiance has been fucking me for the last two years. If he gets me pregnant tonight, he won’t be allowed to marry you. The offspring of the legacies always take precedent. Who gives a fuck if you’re the doe, if I’m carrying an heir? I’ll be treated like a fucking queen.”
“Oh hun,” I say softly, leaning in close to stare her down.
“I hate to break it to you, but I’m already pregnant with Axel’s baby. And it’ll be oursecondchild, so you don’t stand a fucking chance. Now take your filthy fucking hands off my betrothed before I cut them off.”
The blade is released and pressed against her throat before she can even blink and my hand fists in her hair, pulling until she yelps. Her eyes widen to saucers and if she wasn’t so terrified of being cut, I think she’d shake her head.
“Now, slowly and carefully, get the fuck off him. Don’t even think about making any sudden movements. Or I’ll be forced to remove every single part of your body that’s touched his. Painfully.”
She swallows hard, her throat bobbing under the knife’s chill steel. Eowyn carefully extricates herself from Axel – made difficult by my unyielding hold on her hair – her eyes never leaving my blade.
I feel sick when Axel’s flaccid cock flops against his abdomen, but it’s not glistening with her essence so I think – I fucking hope and I pray – that I got down here in time. Once she’s off him and she raises her hands high, palms outward in a gesture of surrender. I release my grip on her hair and take a step back, the knife still at the ready.
“Get dressed,” I bark, unable to stomach her naked form anywhere near what’smine. I look down at Axel on the sofa, his body limp and lifeless, the smell of alcohol and stale sweat surrounding him, and know that I need to get him help. But there’s no way I’m letting Eowyn walk out of here either. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s already seen her final sunrise.
I watch her like a hawk as she reluctantly does what I say, her movements slow and deliberate. As she gets dressed, I take a moment to glance around the study, taking note of any incriminating evidence that could be used against her later. I spy what I’m looking for in the corner of the room and relax a little.
When Eowyn is finally dressed, I turn to her, the knife still in hand, and when she speaks, her voice shakes. “You can’t prove anything,” she hisses, her eyes narrowing into slits. “I’ll deny everything, tell them anything you want, but you won’t be able to prove it. Nobody would believe you over me.”
She takes a step back, her expression hardening, daring me to do something about it. I smirk. She hasn’t even noticed the solid brass paperweight in my hand.
I grin as I point to the camera in the corner of the room and Eowyn’s gaze follows. She pales.
“Don’t worry,” I tell her sweetly. “No one will ever see the footage anyway.”
“W-why?” She turns back to face me, but before she makes it the entire way, I lift the brass globe model in my hand and bring it crashing down into her temple. She hits the floor like the sack of shit she is.
There’s something about her body crumpled on the floor that triggers a memory in my mind.