Page 118 of Hunting Graves
I have no qualms in sharing Odi and Axel’s joy today as I follow them back down the aisle, Louise, the bridesmaid, falling into step beside me.
“So far so good,” she mutters out of the corner of her mouth. I nod, staring straight ahead but I’m not about to get complacent. Anything can happen still, and I know better than most how things can flip in the blink of an eye.
Outside the church we pose for photos, and I manage to snag one with just me and Odi. I’m the perfect gentleman in front of the crowd, but I can’t fucking wait for this day to be over so we can go back to living our lives in private. If we survive.
There’s the scent of blood in the air – metaphorically of course because I scrubbed myself clean in the shower for hours this morning – and I know that a storm is coming.
We just have to weather it.
Once photos are done, thankfully quickly, and with no family shots, Axel and Odi climb into the waiting limo. Odi looks back at me expectantly as I go to close the door for them.
“Aren’t you coming?”
“We’re in the other car. Don’t worry, babygirl. We’ll see you at the reception,” I tell her.
A dark shadow passes over her face at the mention of the AG hotel, and I don’t blame her, but she needn’t worry about that.Out ofallthe things to be fearful of today, a building isn’t one of them.
“We’d never let anything happen to you there,” I remind her, the memory of the torture she endured there when she was taken burning hot in my veins. “You’re safe now.”
It’s only half a lie. Sheissafe from being tortured at the hotel. She’s just notsafesafe.
None of us are.
Nodding, I close the door and bang on the roof twice to signal to the driver that it’s time to leave, and then when the second limo pulls up, I open the door for Lou and Zie. Silently, we all enter, and as soon as the car pulls off, Zie and I are checking our weapons while Lou stares on nervously.
“Are you always armed?” she asks, eyeing the current gun in my hands warily.
“Always,” I reply with a nod. “Are you?”
She shakes her head.
“Can you shoot?” Zie asks her, frowning.
“I can,” she replies confidently. “My dad’s best friend taught me when I was a teenager, but I’ve never hit anything other than a paper target.”
“If you can hit a paper target, you’re golden,” I tell her confidently. “They’re smaller than people.”
“Here, take this.” Zie tosses her a gun and Lou catches it, checks it over and secures it in the pocket of her dress.
Impressed, I smile.
“What?” she asks.
“Dresses with pockets are fucking genius,” I reply. “So much better than putting your gun in your purse and leaving it somewhere.”
“If there’s trouble, the last thing I want to be doing is fumbling with the catch on my bag.” She takes a deep, steadying breath.
“Are you ready?” I ask her.
“Yes. I know what I have to do.”
“Thank you,” I tell her, making her blink in shock. I chuckle. “We’re not all uncouth savages with zero manners like Axel. I know the debt we’ll owe you for this can never be paid, but I can thank you from the bottom of my heart for being Odi’s friend.”
“She’s easy to love,” Lou replies, making me smile.
“That she is.”
The limo slows to a stop and Zie and I climb out, nodding to Lou. “See you at the hotel,” I say before closing the door.