Page 149 of Hunting Graves
As I utter these promises, Zie’s eyes light up with understanding and warmth. His lips quiver as he struggles to find words of his own, but soon enough, an outpouring of emotions accompanies his heartfelt vows.
The priest smiles knowingly, sensing the profound connection that exists between the three of us. It is unconventional by societal standards, but in this moment, it feels undeniably right. Love has paved the way for us to create our own version of happiness – a love that transcends common expectations and challenges societal norms.
In the presence of this ancient church and the watchful eyes of the priest, we exchange rings, sealing our commitment to one another. The weight of the moment hangs in the air, a mixture of joy, vulnerability, and anticipation.
As the ceremony draws to a close, the priest offers his blessings and well-wishes for our unconventional union. He tells us that love knows no boundaries and that our willingness to embrace this unique path is a testament to the strength of our love.
With tears glistening in my eyes and smiles on all of our faces, my husbands slowly take it in turns to kiss their bride.
Wondering what comes next, I’m surprised when all three of them drop to their knees.
“W-what’s going on?” I stutter.
I look at each of them in confusion, my heart pounding with anticipation. Their eyes meet mine, filled with unwavering love and devotion. Axel takes my trembling hand and gently brings it to his lips, pressing a tender kiss against my knuckles.
“Ever since the very first day we met you, back when we were kids, our lives have been forever changed,” he whispers, his voicefull of emotion. “We have found in you a love that surpasses all limits.”
My other two husbands nod in agreement, their gazes fixed on me with unwavering intensity.
“We want to pledge our love and allegiance to you,” Zie says, his voice quivering with sincerity.
“Yes,” Kaiden adds, his voice filled with conviction. “We want to stand by your side for eternity, as your partners in every sense of the word.”
“Odi, read the wedding certificate,” Axel urges, pressing the paper into my hands. My eyes are blurry as I glance down at it, not understanding what I’m seeing until?—
“You’ve all taken my name?”
“Yes love. Everything we are, is down to you. Everything we have, own, or have made, we give to you. Everything is yours, and nothing can ever take that away from you.”
Unable to hold back my tears any longer, I sink down to my knees as well. Overwhelmed by the depth of their love for me, I whisper softly, “I am truly blessed to have found not just one soulmate but three.”
The priest watches us with a smile, realizing that he has witnessed something extraordinary. He blesses us once more, uttering words of encouragement and support before heading inside, hopefully to his bed.
“Take off your ring, my love. Look inside it.”
I take off the wedding ring that Axel had lovingly slipped onto my finger just moments ago. As I peer inside, a glimmer catches my eye. Engraved on the inner band are three words: Forever, Always, Together. And four tiny coloured stones. I know without asking that they’re our birthstones. August peridot for me, Axel’s September sapphire, Zie’s bright topaz November birthstone, and Kaiden’s January birthstone, blood red garnet.
A gasp escapes my lips, and my heart swells with warmth and love. I slip the ring back onto my finger, feeling its weight as a symbol of our commitment. Tears of joy stream down my face as I say the words that echo through the depths of my soul.
“I promise to cherish and love you all, forever and always.”
My husbands’ eyes shine with happiness and relief, knowing that we have taken the necessary steps to embark on a journey where love triumphs over all obstacles.
“I have so many questions,” I tell them as we rise from our knees. Laughter bubbles up within me, filling me with a sense of pure bliss. “But they can wait until tomorrow. What now, husbands?”
Axel smiles warmly, his eyes sparkling with pure joy. “Now, my love, we celebrate.”
“Let the festivities begin!” Kaiden crows, making me laugh. “I can’t wait to get a taste of you in the limo,” he adds with a cheeky wink that makes me heat from heat to toe.
“Later,” Axel insists sharply. “For what I have in mind, we’ll need a lot more room.”
“Well, I can see you’re going to be the uptight one in this marriage,” he teases, pouting.
“How about a compromise?” Axel offers.
I mock-gasp and feign outrage. “Do you even know the meaning of the word?”
“Careful, wife, I’m more than willing to put you over my knee and let the others watch.”