Page 159 of Hunting Graves
“I said turn it off!” Odi cries.
“I’m sorry. It’s the emergency line. I have to take it. I’ll be right back,” I promise.
“I swear to god if you miss the birth of your own daughters, Axel Abbot, you’re never putting your penis in me ever again!”
“I’ll be back in time, I swear, princess.”
And I mean it. Hellhounds couldn’t drag me away from this moment – even without the threat of a lifetime of blue balls hanging over my head. But this really is an urgent call.
“Hello? Lia, what’s wrong?”
“Axel I’m so sorry to call.”
“Don’t be silly, what is it?” I urge, needing to get back into the delivery suite. I can hear the stress and panic in Arcelia’s voice and I know she wouldn’t call unless this was a life and death situation.
“Sir, Sir, you can’t be on your phone in here,” a harried looking member of staff starts nagging me, but I wave her away like an annoying fly.
Down the line, Arcelia’s crying. Somewhere on the ward a baby is screaming, the nurse is still calling “Sir! Sir! Sir!” and I snap.
I pull out my gun and aim it at the annoying Sister.
“Can’t you see I’m on a call? My wife is in labour, and I want to get this wrapped up as quickly as possible so that I don’t miss the birth of my daughters. If you have so much free time on your hands that you can harass me, I strongly suggest you get your arse in there and help support my wife before I’m forced to make a mess of your very nice ward.”
The nurse gasps and runs away, and I shake my head as I pocket my gun. Odi is going to give me shit for that later.
“Sorry, Lia. What’s wrong?”
“Odi’s in labour?” She sniffs.
“Yeah. We’re at the hospital right now.”
“Hospital? Is everything okay? I thought she wanted a home birth.” I almost smile at how concerned she is for us. Thank god Odi and Lia have managed to find some common ground these last few months. They’re never going to be best friends, and that’s okay, but I can tell that Lia genuinely cares about Odi.
“We compromised,” I reply.
Odi wanted an all-natural home birth, I wanted a clinically controlled c-section.Thiswas the compromise and honestly, I’m regretting it. I should have put my foot down, but she’s got me wrapped around her little finger. At this point, I’m wondering if staying home was the right idea. It surely would have been less stressful.
“What do you need, Arcelia? I have to get back.”
“I’m sorry, I’ll let you go,” she protests.
“Lia,” I sigh. “I’m out now, you’ve got me on the line, and you wouldn’t have called unless it was important. So tell me.”
“I’m really sorry. I was going to ask if you could watch over the hotel for a few days.”
“Has something happened?” I ask sharply.
“Lia, what is it?” Nerves are creeping up on me and dread is sending a shiver down my spine.
“It’s Hector…”
“He’s been brought in by one of the regulars. They wanted to kill him.”
“Wanted? Lia, what did you do?” I press with urgency.