Page 23 of Hunting Graves
“Odi! Are you okay?” Lou asks as soon as the call connects. She sounds out of breath, like she ran to reach the phone in time.
“Hey. Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry I’ve not been in touch until now. Is everyone okay?”
“We’re all fine. Well, Steph sprained her ankle, but I maintain that has nothing to do with…what happened, and everything to do with wearing stilettos to a game.”
I smile, but it’s strained. “But what about everyone else?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Lucy was lucky enough to receive an anonymous text a few seconds after you guys bailed, and we were able to get the hell out of there before…well, you know.”
I do know. I also know that it’s probably not the best idea to be using the term ‘bomb’ over the phone line.
“Good. I’m glad you’re all okay. That was insane.”
“Yeah. So, what’s up? I’m guessing you need something, otherwise you wouldn’t have called.”
I cringe. Lou’s right, I only call when I need or want something. I’m a shitty friend. It’s no excuse, but at least I can say it’s because I have zero experience at having girl friends. When I was friends with the boys, the dynamic was completely different to how it is with girls. We were younger then too. I cried more. And the boys would take care of everything, dragging my secrets from my reluctant lips with threats and jokes and smiles that made me feel like I was the sun they orbited around.
“It’s fine. It’s nothing. I’m sorry for not checking in sooner.”
“Don’t worry about it. We don’t need to know the ins and outs to know that you have a fuck-load of stress going on in your life, and we’re not about to add to that by judging you. So, really, what do you need? I want to help.”
I hesitate. “Some shit’s gone down and I could really use a place to crash for a while. My old dorm isn’t an option…I mean it’s not available.”
“Yeah, no problem. Come over whenever you want. You can bunk in with me for however long you need.”
“Are you sure?” The shower switches off, and I get to my feet and head back into the bedroom. I need to get dressed as soon as I get done on my call. If Kaiden comes out and I’m still lounging around in my birthday suit, he’ll see it as an invitation to blow out the candles, have his cake, and eat itagain.
I shiver.
“Yeah. Don’t sweat it. Just, watch out for Lucy. She’s being a raging bitch at the moment. I swear she must be PMSing, but it feels like she’s been on her period all month now.”
I laugh.
“I can handle that. Anything is better than the alternative. Thanks, Lou.”
“No problem. See you in a bit. Bring booze.”
I grimace. “I’m not drinking at the moment, but I can bring chocolate? It might appease Lucy?”
“Definitely do that, yes! Okay, see you soon.”
She cuts the call before I can reply and I look over at Kaiden, who’s naked and dripping from his shower. I bite my lip and his eyes darken.
“Clothes!” I squeak, throwing his jeans at him and hunting for my own items. He chuckles.
When we’re both decent – which does nothing to dampen the lust on my part – I tell him the plan.
“Is it okay?” I check.
“Of course. You’ll be safe there. And I know where you are so I can keep Axel off your back, whilst also keeping an eye on you. Sound good?”
“Thanks, Kai.”
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Wanna repay me with a lap dance in those pants?”
I laugh and flip him off again.
“Let’s just get going.”