Page 32 of Hunting Graves
I zone out for the entire trip to the clinic, only vaguely aware of Kaiden telling us that Odile would make her own way there. That only really registered because of Axel’s lack of reaction to the news. Up until last week there was no way he’d accept that, but ever since he dropped his bombshell, he’s been…almost weak…at least where Odi’s concerned.
He didn’t come home that night, or the next morning, and when he did return, the knuckles on his hand were all bustedup and he’s holding his right arm funny. Refuses to talk about it though.
In everything else, he’s been like a bear with a sore head. Or, you know, an asshole.
We arrive at the clinic first, and Axel makes the introductions with whatever doctor he’s hand picked to conduct the tests. Our fathers arrive shortly after. And then we’re just waiting for Odi to arrive.
My stomach is swirling with nerves as the clock ticks past our appointment time and she still doesn’t show. Our fathers are pissed, but Axel – Mron-time-is-late– doesn’t seem to give a flying fuck. By the time she’s twenty minutes late, I’m sick with worry and pacing.
She breezes into the room looking seriously badass, dressed in head to toe leather and one of Kaiden’s old band tees. She looks phenomenal, and hardcore, like she could take on the world today and make it her bitch. Even her makeup has a sexy rocker vibe.
Everything about her today saysdon’t fuck with me.
She doesn’t look at any of us, coming to stand beside me and shaking hands with the doctor as soon as he introduces himself.
“Where’s Rose?” she demands. The doctor falters.
“It was decided that she would remain separate with her mother?—”
“I’mher mother.” Her tone is venomous and the doctor baulks a little.
“Yes, well, that’s what we’re here to find out, isn’t it?”
I blink at that as Odi’s features contort with rage.
“Actually doctor,” Axel quickly steps in. “Today is a paternity test only.”
Axel’s father clears his throat and we all turn to look at him.
“Actually, son, Mr and Mrs Montgomery are insisting that Rose is their biological daughter,” he says with a smirk.
What. The. Fuck?
“Really?” Odi seethes. “How thefuckcan that be when I carried her inside of me for nine months and gave birth to her?”
“Prove it,” my father sneers.
The red mist comes down, and I swear for a second I see murder flash in Odi’s eyes.
She’s going to kill him.
Maybe not today, but I know she’s going to kill him at some point as surely as I know I need air to breathe.
“Let’s get on shall we?” The doctor suggests gently. “My colleague has already taken the child’s sample.”
“You stuck a needle in my daughter without my consentandI don’t get to see her?” Odi demands again. Right now, I’m fearing for the lives of every man in the room. She looks that savage.
“It’s better to wait until the results come back.”
“This is bullshit,” she snarls.
The doctor looks between Axel and his father, clearly at a loss as to what to do.
“Let’s get started,” Axel suggests. “Odi, you may as well give the man a blood sample so that any questions surrounding Rose’s parentage can be laid to rest once and for all.”
Odi bares her teeth and growls, but a moment later shrugs one arm out of her leather jacket, stomps over to the doctor in her thick-soled boots and huffs, “Get it over with then.”
He works silently and efficiently, drawing her blood into two vials – not sure why they need two but maybe one’s a backup in case the lab loses a set? – and labelling them meticulously.