Page 65 of Hunting Graves
Fuck. I don’t know how to feel about that. Does it change everything or nothing? Is Axel pissed now that she’s pregnant when he didn’t know he already had a kid? Why did heneedher pregnant at all? What will he do if sheispregnant and it’s not his? What if it’s Kaiden’s? Does that change things? I know it won’t stop him marrying her, they have a kid together already after all, but maybe Odi having Kaiden’s baby will force Axel to share her with us.
And once again I’ll be the guy on the sidelines, excluded and just hoping for whatever scraps get thrown my way.
“Home sweet home,” Kaiden says dryly as I pull though the security gate that’s part of the fortress surrounding our property. Axel doesn’t believe in hired security; all men can be bought off, coerced and threatened. Although I guess the fire at the flat also proves that all technology can be intercepted and overridden. He’s not as infallible as he likes to think.
Not here though. This place is iron-clad.
“Should we wake her?” I ask, a couple of minute’s drive later when the house comes into view.
“Nah. I’ll carry her in. Let her rest,” he says softly. I wonder if he’s thinking she might be carrying his child. Kaiden would make a brilliant dad. If our lives were different.
“Are we putting her in the basement?” I ask, carefully. Obviously we’re not, but I still want to know where Kaiden stands. Where his loyalties lie. Because I think mine are with Odi now, not The Holy Trinity.
“Of course not,” he scoffs. “He didn’t mean that.”
“I think he did.”
“Nah. He just needs to get laid. Once the wedding is taken care of, he’ll relax.”
“The wedding. Right,” I respond flatly. Fucking great. Not only did Axel make me leave behind the woman I love and cut all ties with her, he dragged her back into our lives and is forcing me to stand by and watch as he makes herhis.He expects Kaiden and I to give our lives to protect her – which we will, gladly – but I don’t think marriage is just for show. I know he doesn’t intend on sharing Odi with us. He’s not even making her choose. It’s his way or death. For all of us.
I pull up to the ramp which will take us down to the underground garage, and once the roller door opens, pull in and park.
All of our vehicles are lined up, polished and gleaming under the bright fluorescent lighting. I exit the car and open the back door for Kaiden, who undoes Odi’s seatbelt and lifts her into his arms like the precious cargo she is, and might be carrying herself.
I’ll die before I let anyone lay a hand on her, and that includes my brothers. If Axel thinks he can force Odi to her knees to make her submit, or that he’ll be locking her in the basement or a box, he’s got another thing coming. A bullet if needs be.
Quietly, I close the car door and then race ahead to get the other doors so that Kaiden can focus on keeping Odi safe.
As much as the circumstances are shit, I am looking forward to watching Odi’s reaction when she sees the house that Axelbuilt for the first time. I hope it’s everything she ever dreamed of and more. Hopefully it will go a little way towards softening the blow of it basically being another prison. Maybe in time she’ll learn to be free here.
One can only hope.
I lead the way up the stairs from the garage to the ground floor, then across the monochrome chequered tile floor to the wrought iron and wood staircase that climbs up again to the bedrooms.
Along the polished black wood corridor to the door at the end, Odi’s room, pushing open the door and pulling back the covers for Kaiden to lay her down in the enormous four poster bed. Fit for a queen. Our queen.
“Should we undress her?” Kaiden whispers.
I shake my head. “Just take her shoes and socks off. Maybe her jeans too?”
He nods and gets to work, passing me the items. I place her shoes at the foot of the bed and the laundry in the hamper in her attached en suite. When I return, Kaiden’s tucking her in and looks as reluctant to leave as I feel.
“I’ll get the curtains,” I say, crossing to shut out the light.
“I’ll grab her a drink in case she wakes up thirsty.”
Short of fluffing the already perfectly plump pillows, there’s not much else we can do. But still neither of us makes a move to leave.
“Do you think she’ll kill us if she wakes up and we’re by her side?” Kaiden asks.
“Yes.” She’ll probably attempt to stab us, but that shit will just get Kaiden hard. “But it’ll be worth it if Axel comes back and finds us in bed with her first,” I add with a grin.
Kaiden’s answering smile is equally devious as my own and we’re both toeing off our shoes, peeling off our shirts and dropping our jeans without another word.
I slip into bed beside Odi –home –and Kaiden climbs in behind, pulling her back to his chest. A contented sigh slips past her lips, and I know we made the right choice. She might be mad as hell at us, but there’s no denying that even in her sleep she finds comfort in our arms.
Snuggling closer, I take her hand in mine and gaze at her long eyelashes making shadows on her cheeks. I can’t believe she’s finally here, with us, the way it was always meant to be.