Page 86 of Hunting Graves
“Bloodshed,” I deadpan.
His grin stretches to mirror mine. “That’s such a fucking turn on, wife to be. You’re making my dick hard.”
“Umm, hello? Gross. Iamstill here you know,” Kaiden whines from the backseat.
I chuckle until Axel says, “You didn’t seem to have any qualms with sharing last night.”
Kaiden’s jaw drops, and my cheeks burn. I pinch my lip between my teeth, waiting. This is it. The moment where he’s going to lose his shit and threaten to hurt them both if anything like that happens again…
“Hmm, to be a fly on the wall for that,” is all he says, but it still flabbergasts me.What does he mean? Is this his way of saying he’s okay with it? Is it a green light to continue?
So many questions swirl my mind, but Axel just shoots me a smug grin and turns his attention back to the road once more.
When we pull up to the house, huge wrought-iron gates swing open automatically and we drive up to the main building, barely having to slow down. I’m shocked when Axel turns into an underground garage, although I probably shouldn’t be. The guys have shown me before now that they have several vehicles, so it makes sense that they need somewhere to store them, but I’m still impressed. The house doesn’t lookthatbig from the outside. That said, I’ve only seen it at night because we were in too much of a hurry to leave this morning to go and look at dresses.
“How big is this place?”
“You didn’t go exploring on your midnight stroll?”
“You know I did. But I came straight out to the gardens.”
“Thinking of running?” he quips as he parks the car in its designated spot.
“Didn’t see the point. You’d only drag me back again.”
“Glad you’re finally understanding that,” he replies with a smile like this is all light hearted banter. Is it? I don’t even know.
“Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my uptight, grumpy, control freak, husband-to-be?”
His grin is pure delight. “I like that. Say it again.”
“What? That you’re an uptight, grumpy, control freak?”
“No, the other part.” He shakes his head but he can’t get his radiant smile under control. “The husband part.”
“Husband-to-be?” I raise my brows. Shit, did I say that? Why would I say that? It must have just slipped out.
“Yeah. I like it.”
“Well, itiswhat you are. I guess I’m trying it on for size. See if I like it and all that.”
“There isnotrying on for size,” he says with a scowl that makes me laugh.
“I’m it for you.”
“Hmm, if you say so,” I reply noncommittally, immediately thinking of Kaiden and Zie. They’re it for me too. Can I have threeits? “So, do I get a tour of the place, or is the welcome period over and I need to take up residency in the dungeon?”
Kaiden chuckles as he climbs out of the car and Axel pulls a face which could almost be considered comical if it wasn’t followed by a flash of pain.
“I’m gonna leave you kids to it,” Kaiden says with a wicked grin, shutting the car door and sauntering off with a spring in his step. He never looks back.
“I swear to you, Odi, I didn’t mean it.”
“I know,” I sigh. “We always clash so hard.” I make a move to climb out of the car but Axel stops me, squeezing my arm gently but with a sense of urgency.
“I want to explain, without coming across as an asshole. Which I know will be difficult.”
I bite back a smile.