Page 94 of Hunting Graves
Knowing for sure if you were pregnant would help with that.
I shut that voice down and focus on greeting my friends as they climb into the limo and squeal and hug me. Their excitement is infectious and I’m easily swept up in their buzz until Steph looks over at me and frowns.
“Oh no. No, no, no. This won’t do at all!” she exclaims.
“What’s up?” I ask, making the others laugh.
“We had a bet,” Lou explains. “Steph thought the bride-to-be should wear white. I told her you’d be in black.”
“Me too,” Lucy adds smugly.
“But you should be in white,” Jess complains.
I just laugh. They can’t be serious. Surely it doesn’t matter?
“Right. I’m not having it,” Steph declares. “Take it off.”
“Umm, excuse me?”
“Take your dress off. I brought you an appropriate outfit, because I had a feeling those bitches were right and you’d let me down.” She points to a garment bag that I hadn’t even noticed. “You’re getting changed.”
“Would you prefer to get changed in the line to the club?” she retorts.
“I’d prefer to stay as I am. Comfortable and happy and not getting naked in front of…people.” I almost called them strangers, which is stupid. Because they’re my friends. But…not friends I feel comfortable changing in front of. Except maybe Lou. She’s pretty much seen me at my worst, I know she’s a ride or die. The others are great, but I don’t have that bond with them that means I could confideeverything.
“Tough shit. Strip,” she says forcefully, in a way that’s a little scary.
Stupidly, I glance to Kaiden for backup. He smirks at me. “I’m not going to say no to a free strip show, babygirl.”
I scowl at him. What a dick. Typical Kaiden.
“Show me this dress then,” I huff through gritted teeth.
Steph beams at me, Jess claps her hands, Lucy groans and Lou just laughs, as they open the garment bag and pass me the new dress. It’s slightly off-white, with a corset style top which will clearly show my tattoo, and a short, tutu style skirt of layer upon layer of tulle. At the top of the arms, attached to the corset are silk ties which will sit off the shoulder. It’s kind of cute, but not reallyme.
“I’m going to look like a ballerina,” I complain.
“A fucking filthy one,” Kaiden clarifies, adjusting his crotch. I shake my head. Fine. Whatever.
Turning to Lou, I ask her to cover me, and then I turn my back to the seat so that I’m not flashing my boobs at everyone.I slip my dress down and I swear I hear another Zie growl. Not stopping to inspect that too closely, I pull the new dress over my head and into place, and then Lou kindly laces up the corset back. When she’s done, I can’t breatheandI feel like I’m drowning in material.
“It’s a good job you’re wearing silver sandals and your bag matches,” Steph tells me, giving me an approving once over. When she’s done, she snaps her fingers and Jess quickly passes her another small bag. From it she pulls a short, tacky, bride-to-be veil and tiara combo that makes me cringe. This is going to bring so much unwanted attention my way, but Steph doesn’t seem to care as she plonks it on my head and starts fussing over the veil.
I force a smile when I’m done. She looks too happy to knock the wind out of her sails.
“Thank you.” I settle back into my chair, and Zie immediately slips his hand into mine, which I’m grateful for. Lucy gives us a strange look, but she doesn’t say anything. “So where are we off to tonight?”
“Ask your bodyguards,” Lucy grumbles.
“P’s to start and then the Trinity’s.”
“So, your clubs only then?” I bite back a sigh and shoot my friends an apologetic glance. “Sorry they’re so uptight.”
“We get it,” Lou says. “It’s to keep you safe, and I, for one, can have a great time wherever we go.”