Page 97 of Hunting Graves
Then they’re both gone. The lights are back on, and Zie is standing there in black slacks and a white shirt, not a button or hair out of place, putting our glasses back on the table.
With shaking hands I reach for my water and take a long drink. I’m parched. Shaken. Who was that if not Zie or Kaiden?
My mind briefly flits to Hector, but there’s no way he’d be so bold. Besides, we don’t have that kind of relationship. It was always a non-starter. But I know it can’t have been Axel either.
I’m one second away from spiralling when Zie taps my cheek – uncannily in the exact same spot that the masked man did – and grounds me. I flick my gaze to him and he looks down at me with concern on his face. His eyes tell another story though. They’re alive with delight and devilment.
“Are you ready to go?”
I nod, unable to find my words.
“Say your goodbyes then and I’ll escort you out. Kaiden will meet us at the car.”
With little else to say, I nod again and then turn to each of my friends. They complain about me leaving, call me a lucky bitch for getting a one-on-one lap dance, and tell me they’re so excited for the big day. I thank them for coming and giving me a nightto remember, and then I’m walking down the stairs, my sandals and bag in hand, with the ghost of Zie’s palm burning into the small of my back. When I reach the bottom step he stops me, scoops me into his arms, bridal-style, and carries me from the club.
I snuggle into his chest, freezing when I realise his cologne isnothinglike the dancer that was straddling me.
But before I can say anything, Kaiden’s opening the limo door, grinning at me. I scoot over to allow them room to climb in but they both just shake their heads at me. Kaiden winks.
“We’ll see you soon,” Zie says, closing the door in my face.
I sink back into my seat, confused, until the doors lock and a low voice speaks out in the darkness.
“Hello, wife-to-be. How did you enjoy your last night of freedom?”
My father likes to talk about The General’s proclivities, but there’s no denying that my father is just as sick and twisted. Maybe more so.
Both men thrive off of pain and control.
My father does not like women. I’ve spent enough years now watching him fuck, maim and kill almost every woman who’s crossed his path to understand that.
Despite his best efforts, that’s one side of me that he cannot mould in his image. No matter how hard he tries, I’m not interested in causing pain for the sake of entertainment, or of needless death for sport. I won’t hurt a woman unless I absolutely have to. Even when he holds his gun to my head, even when I’m given no choice, I take no pleasure in my actions. And I try to make it quick and painless for them.
My mother turns a blind eye to my father’s infidelity, because she’s glad that he’s exercising those urges with anyone other than her. It’s a survival instinct. Keep your head down, don’t draw attention to yourself, and you might just get to live another day.
But is it really living?
The look on her face is priceless as she jerks in shock and I almost laugh. I lean forward out of the dark shadows of the limo, the discarded Ghostface mask hanging from my hands, and my lips slowly stretch into a delighted grin, even as the rough denim of myjeanschafes my skin.What kind of fucking sadist enjoys dressing like this? Uncouth heathens.
I watch her pulse hammering in her throat, a delicate little hummingbird that thinks it has the force of an eagle. She’s so fragile, really, even though she’s demonstrated immense strength. She’ll need to remember that in the days to come. My girl is unbreakable. She thinks she’s been broken, but there’s barely a dent in her armour. It’s one of the things I love most about her.
My love for her was always a challenge. My cross to bear. She was my biggest strength, my greatest weakness, my driving force.
But her love for us is an unimaginable burden. We’ve caused her nothing but pain, and I don’t see that getting any better for the foreseeable future despite the promises I’ve made.
“Axel? It was youdancing?” Her incredulity amuses me and pisses me off in equal measure.
“You think I’d let any other peasant slither all over my fiancée?” I ask in a low, dangerous tone.
“But…” she falters, at a loss for words, making me smile once more.
I love wrong footing Odi. It’s so rare she allows me to get the upper hand. Even when I was dancing for her – if you can call grinding my rock hard cock against her while using every ounce of self control not to ravish her in a room full of her friends ‘dancing’ –she still held all the cards. I was fucking powerless to resist her, and when I discovered how fucking wet she was for me, I nearly went feral.
It was a good thing I got out of there before I snapped.
Now though, we’re all alone and we’ve a decent drive ahead of us, so I’ve got the time, the privacy and nothing holding me back. I push forward to the edge of my seat, my eyes locked on my target, my prize. I feel like a man on his deathbed and ready to make peace with his demons. Odi’s my demon, and if I don’t have her for my final meal, I’ll never rest in peace.