Page 46 of A Winter's Miracle
“That isn’t drama,” the technician said. “That’s just romantic.”
When it was time, Anna helped her mother into her dress and buttoned it to the top. She remembered how she’d called it quasi-Stevie Nicks to Smith, who’d adored the description. Now, she saw she’d been wrong. The dress was precisely Julia’s style—no one else’s. Julia’s eyes glowed as she extended her hand for Anna to take.
“I wouldn’t have been strong enough to get here without you,” she said softly.
Anna wasn’t sure that was true. Her mother had always done exactly what she wanted. That power had always been within her.
“Thank you for showing me what love is all about,” Anna breathed.
The Copperfield women walked slowly to the entranceway outside the wedding venue. Bernard awaited them with tears in his eyes, his hands clasped over his waist. He was dressed in a brand-new tuxedo, as the one he’d left behind before prison no longer fit. Apparently, Bernard and Greta had had a blissful afternoon of shopping in Boston, trying on gowns and tuxedos, getting tipsy at wineries.
It was impossible to imagine what it was like to have loved someone that long. Anna hoped, one day, she’d understand.
Just before the ceremony was set to begin, Adam kicked and screeched in his carrier, and Anna picked him up again. He blinked around at them, mystified by their beautiful gowns and their red lipstick.
“It looks like he wants to go down the aisle with you,” Julia said.
Anna laughed. “He loves to be a part of it all.”
Julia had selected four bridesmaids—her sisters, Alana and Ella, and her daughters, Rachel and Anna. Anna went last, carrying her bouquet in one hand and Adam in her other arm. As she walked, her heels dug into the rug, and she teetered, laughing at herself. As everyone gasped and giggled at Adam’s surprise appearance in the aisle, she scoured their faces, searching for Smith. He was nowhere to be found.
Both Bernard and Greta walked Julia down the aisle. This was only the second wedding they’d been able to attend for one of their children, and their tears were constant. When they passed Julia off to Charlie, Greta and Bernard held one another in the front row, gazing up at Julia. They had no eyes for Charlie.
Anna allowed herself a moment’s fantasy of her own future wedding. She wasn’t sure she’d ask her father to walk her down the aisle, though. She could only imagine her mother in that role.
Adam was respectful during the ceremony, which earned him the title of “best-behaved baby at a wedding.” Anna laughed as she carried him through the venue, back toward the reception hall, waving at onlookers. Adam was a celebrity.
Violet had decorated the reception hall impeccably, with floral arrangements glowing beneath chandeliers, gorgeous place settings, and a five-piece string orchestra that played Beethoven as the guests ambled through with their first glasses of champagne. As Violet whipped here and there, Anna managed to nab her for a moment and compliment her. “It’s something special,” she said.
Violet’s grin was ear to ear. “You know, I keep asking myself if I still believe in love after everything that happened. And I think my answer to myself is here, in everything I did for this ceremony. It’s proof of something. Don’t you think?”
Just then, someone in her earpiece howled with a problem, and Violet scampered off, begging whoever was on the other line to keep calm. Anna smiled to herself and squeezed Adam’s hand. It was nearly time for him to nap again.
The wedding feast was nearly as good as Greta’s cooking. Only nearly. All of the Copperfield family members made sure to mention this as they ate, their eyes on Greta— “If only you’d been the cook. But we’re glad you can sit with us. We’re glad you can celebrate instead.” Of the turkey, Bernard said, “It’s slightly dry, isn’t it?” Greta only smiled in response. Anna laughed to herself. It was amazing what we did for the people we loved—falling all over ourselves to build them up.
Just before Charlie and Julia’s first dance, Bernard stood to make a toast. He raised his glass to the happy married couple and spoke beautifully about the first time he’d met Charlie. “I always knew you two were carved from the same cloth. It’s been a weaving, winding road to get us here today. But I’m over the moon to celebrate your love.”
Anna imagined her grandfather locked away in a prison cell, learning of his children’s weddings—Julia’s, Alana’s, and Quentin’s. He was stronger than anyone she knew, coming back from that.
Anna's eyes flitted through the reception hall as Julia and Charlie swayed in time to the music. Adam was asleep in the next room, and she clutched the baby monitor like her life depended on it.
When she spotted him, her heart jumped into her throat. She would have recognized those blue eyes anywhere. She would have spotted him in any crowd.
As the DJ gathered the other lovers to the dance floor to join Charlie and Julia, Anna pierced through the crowd, drawn toward him like a magnet. Smith hovered at the edge of everyone else, his hands shoved in his pants pockets, his wild hair tamed with gel. His smile looked sadder, and his eyes were rimmed with red. It was only when Anna got closer to him that she realized he was crying.
“Smith!” she whispered.
Smith took her chin in his hand and gazed into her eyes. Anna felt all of their emails to one another—a brimming collection of longing. She felt expectation. And before she could stop herself, she raised onto her toes and kissed him with her eyes closed. The world of life and music and color swirled around her, but she remained in Smith’s warm embrace. It was the sort of kiss you changed your life over. It was cinematic.
When their kiss broke, Anna swallowed him with a hug and painted his suit with tears. “When did you get here?” she asked. “Are you all right?”
Before Smith could answer, Violet breezed past and smiled adoringly at Smith. She patted his shoulder and said, “You look wonderful.”
“It was a perfect recommendation. Thank you.” Smith’s smile was crooked.
“Welcome back, Smith,” Violet said. “It’ll be good to have you on the island again. I haven’t known who to cook for!”
Anna’s heart swelled. She glanced from Smith to Violet and back again. They’d surprised her.