Page 21 of Meegan
“I think that’s been the best part of it for me. I’ve been lucky to know so many people who really take care of me.” She ignored the strange heat blooming in her chest when she looked up at Olin. He wasn’t looking back at her, but he was listening. She reached over and took his hand, placing it in her lap. When she let go, he picked up the lace fringe on her shorts and ran it between his fingertips.
“I was at this sex shop one day, grabbing the essentials, if you will, and Mistress Evelyn approached me. A friend of hers was having a panty party. I asked my roommate to come with me and it was just—I’d never experienced anything like that before. One section of the house was marked off for full nude activities, but people were fooling around all over the house. I didn’t do anything. I just watched. After, I thanked Mistress Evelyn and she invited me to visit The Club.”
“And that was even better?”
“How did you know?” Meegan laughed. She didn’t think Olin would want to hear all about that first night. How she’d stripped down to nearly nothing and spent hours on Daniel’s lap as he walked her through his submissive experience. How she’d almost come watching Master Philip flog Daniel and Marcos at the same time. The added perk of just seeing Grant naked. What it had felt like when Mistress Evelyn finger fucked her until Meegan was basically begging to join. She’d gone home in the early morning hours feeling like she finally had a purpose and she’d never looked back. “We had some good times.”
“Why is this all in the past tense?” Olin asked.
Meegan shrugged. “Adult shit. Life shit. Passage of time shit. Me a little.” That last part was hard to admit and it reminded her that she still needed to text Marcos. “Evelyn and Philip sold the club. It’s still in the family, but it’s a different dynamic. I also realized I wasn’t in the best condition to be a mentor. We were gaining new members, but I was still in a me-focused head space. I didn't really want to train anyone.”
Olin’s hand froze on her leg. “Should I go then?”
“No, you donut,” she laughed and he continued playing with her shorts. “I’m happy to teach you. And I’m still a member, I just haven’t been down there regularly in a while.”
“Do you want to go back?” It was such a simple, straightforward question that she couldn’t answer.
“I’m not sure.”
“What was your favorite part?” Olin asked.
Meegan groaned wistfully, slumping against the couch. “Ugh, I was so spoiled. So, so spoiled. I was a pet and it was an unwritten Club rule that if you came to visit, you had to love on me. It was great.” The depths of her recent loneliness made a little bit more sense to be honest. When Evelyn left, Meegan had lost more than her attention.
Olin nodded, making an interesting humming noise.
“Having second thoughts?”she teased, kinda. She’d rather know now if he was ready to head for the door.
“No, not at all. I think—it’s a refreshing thing.” Goosebumps sprung up on Meegan’s skin as he spread his fingers over her knee. “Wanting to be showered with attention and affection sounds like something a lot of people want, but I think that’s hard to express.”
“What do you want?”
“Right now? I like listening to you talk.” Just then, there was a knock on the door. “I think that’s the food.” Olin went to grab it. Meegan looked around the hotel suite. Heard the light hum of the air conditioning and the jazz music still playing on the television. She couldn’t remember the last night she’d stayed up and talked to anyone like this. She wanted to sleep with him. She had to know if the kissing skills translated to the bed, but she didn’t want this moment to end. Not yet. They found reruns of Friends and ate their fill. Meegan couldn’t control the yawn that slipped out of her by the end of the second episode.
“Is it time to tuck you in?” Olin asked.
“After I take off like five layers of this makeup.” She glanced over at the bed. “We don’t have to bone tonight, but will you stay over? Have a little cuddle?”
“I’d like that, but I have to warn you. When I take off this shirt?—”
“You’re absolutely shredded?”
“No. I have a lot of tattoos.”
“They aren’t, like, white supremacist tattoos are they?” Maybe she should be concerned.
“Uh, no. It’s mostly comic book stuff, but I just don’t want to shock you.”
“Don’t judge my make-up free face and we’ll call it even. I’ll be back in a jiff.” Meegan walked into the bathroom and did the sad job of removing all of Star’s handywork. While she loved her natural face, Star was an artist. She took off the makeup and did a quick version of her skin care routine before heading back to climb into bed. Olin was standing in the middle of the room, facing the TV, in just his boxer briefs. He was packing something serious in the front of those shorts, but Meegan’s attention was pulled upward by the aforementioned tattoos.
“So, you weren’t joking.”
He glanced down at his chest as she came closer. He was covered from collarbone to hip. A massive mural of Batman characters, most of which Meegan recognized from the cartoons and the comics. It was a lot to take in all at once, but the artwork was absolutely stunning. One of the older comic book versions of the Joker was on his left shoulder and a giant word bubble that said POW! was on the right.
“How long did this take?” she asked, resisting the urge to touch him.
“Many hours. I’m still figuring out what I want to do with my back.”
“I don’t know. I think it’s pretty cool,” Meegan shrugged. “You’re a walking piece of art. Kinda hard to hate on something so beautiful.”