Page 25 of Meegan
“Oh cool. I’m an original California girl,” she said, still not addressing his original point. She let out a deep breath and remembered that she was, in fact, better than this. “I do want to talk, but I also need to do a little processing.”
Olin nodded. “Okay.”
“We keep the date arrangement though, right?”
“I’d like to, yeah.”
“Good, because I don’t want to give you your money back,” she teased. “And, I had fun last night. You know, before the penetration.”
A hint of a smile from him almost did her in. “I had fun too.”
“Hey, do you want to come to a work party with me?” The Whippoorwill holiday party was not a place to debut someone you were on casual terms with. Xeni had always been her unofficial date, but she wouldn’t be there this year and it would be kinda nice to have someone on her arm for once. Plus it didn’t conflict with the commitments he’d already put on their fake couple calendar.
“Sure. Just tell me when.”
“Great. Well, I should go. I’ll text you.”
Olin helped her down to the elevator with a vow to get her borrowed dress and jewelry back to Jenna and her team. And, of course he had a car waiting for her before they even hit the lobby. After her stuff was secure in the backseat, she turned to Olin.
“Remember, I deserve a big Batman explanation. I wanna know everything.”
“I’ll get the slide show together. I hope you have seventeen hours to spare,” Olin replied.
“I’ll clear my calendar.” She stood on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against his cheek. Stepping back, she motioned in the general direction of his chest. “Go take that suit off. You look all sexy and rumpled. This will garner lady attention.”
“Good call.”
Meegan winked at him and then climbed into the black SUV. She gave the driver, a woman named Cassidy, her address and soon they were weaving their way out of the tight streets of Downtown LA.
“Sorry if I’m not a chatty passenger. I’m a little scrambled this morning,” Meegan said as they neared the exit to the 10.
“Good scrambled or do I need to go back and run him over?”
Meegan burst out laughing. “Good scrambled. I promise.”
“Good. You just relax. I’ll have you home in fifteen minutes.”
During that time, Meegan didn’t think about how amazing Olin’s dick was or how good he was with his hands. All she could think about was what he wanted. He wanted to date her. He wanted to get to know her better. Maybe in the future, he’d really want to be with her.
Meegan didn’t know what to make of it. Maybe this wasn’t what she thought the next thing would look like. Maybe she’d thought she’d walk back into The Club one day and the man of her dreams would be a recently joined member, just waiting for her. Apparently her very, very annoying brain had decided it was time to bring up the past, conjuring up all those feelings ofwhat if?All the bad feelings that had swirled through her since Mistress Evelyn left her. For the thousandth time, she had to remind herself that she’d known Evelyn’s terms since the very beginning. They were the same terms that Meegan had had with all her play partners. Meegan was the one who had let herself fall over and over. It was her own fault she’d gotten into this emotional jam in the first place.
How embarrassing was it that she’d let her feelings for Evelyn, Daniel, and Shep plunge her into a legit depression spiral? That she’d let those feelings mess with her friendship with Marcos? While she was waiting for Mister Actually Right, her mind had held on to this fantasy that he would in some way be a Shep clone. Maybe because she knew him the least, so it had been easy to imprint on the idea of him. He lived on a literal mountain in NorCal and only visited once a year. He’d stay and they would fuck for a whole week, but clearly there had been nothing else between them. His wife was proof of that. God, Meegan was a mess. To say she had done herself a major disservice would be an understatement, because now there was an Actual Mister With Potential and her mind was absolutely blown.
This was the first Sunday she’d spent in years not thinking about how she was going to face the day alone with her crappy feelings. She felt good after the night she’d spent with Olin and it scared the shit out of her.
By the time they reached her place, she knew coming home to think had been the right call. Meegan tipped Cassidy, even though she said Olin had taken care of it through the car service. Meegan wished her a good day and happy holiday week before she climbed the steps to her place.
Finally she took a deep breath. She’d barely been gone for twenty-hours. Everything felt different. She dumped her clothes in her hamper, turned on her shower and then sent her mom a text, letting her know she was home. She’d call her mom a bit later, when she felt like talking. Then she sent a text to Xeni.
I’m back home.
You’re right, Olin was a perfect gentleman.
She didn’t expect Xeni to respond right away since it was a family weekend for her. But sometime in the next twenty-four hours, Meegan was gonna get real needy. She needed a debrief. She needed to figure out what to do about Olin Breivik.
Olin got back to his house in Venice, showered, got breakfast from his favorite spot (they had the right bread today) and then he caved and sent Xeni a text.