Page 30 of Meegan
“The dog is for Rafe. He’s been talking about getting one since I was pregnant. I also had a feeling it was a dog or baby number four and I think this shop is closed. For now, anyway.”
“Oh yeah. Well, puppy sounds like a good move.”
“For now?” Xeni teased.
“I mean, we had so much fun making Rowan, we might try again,” Sloan replied, with a deceptively innocent smile on her face. There was no doubt in Meegan’s mind that Rafe had her swinging from the rafters.
They spent most of the day lounging around Sloan’s house until she got a text from Rafe’s dad saying they were on their last ride. They decided to give Sloan an hour or so to catch her breath before her house was bursting at the seams again. Meegan didn’t want to go, but she knew she should probably get her me time on and really think about if something more with Olin was in the cards.
She said goodbye to Sloan, then she and Xeni headed out to their cars.
“You made up your mind about our boy yet?” Xeni asked as she pulled out her keys.
“Jesus, it’s been fifteen minutes.”
“So? You like him, right?”
Meegan rolled her eyes. “As far as I know him up to this point, yes, I do like him.”
“So, tell him. Don’t do that whole wait three days crap, or whatever, for him to call you. Especially if you told him you needed time. He’s clearly waiting on you to make the next move,” Xeni said.
“Okay! Also, you just reminded me that I have to call my mom.”
“Go home. Call my bestie Lynne and then text Olin and tell him you wanna give him the ole three holes treatment.”
“Is that what you and Mason call it?”
“Yes, of course.” The deadpan look on Xeni’s face had Meegan’s lips quivering as she tried not to laugh. “And he’s getting all three holes as soon as he gets home.”
“It’ll be so soon. You’ll see.” Meegan gave Xeni a big hug and they both headed back home. When Meegan got to her place, she did just as Xeni suggested. She called her mom and told her about her night with Olin at the gala. She appreciated that her mom was satisfied with pictures of Meegan in her dress and the fact that Meegan had had a good time. They talked a bit about what to bring to her aunt Alma’s house for Thanksgiving. After they ended their call, she did the right and mature thing, and sent Olin an honest text. If he wanted to get to know her, this washer.
Hey. Gonna be hella aggressive and ask if you have plans tonight.
No school for me tomorrow.
She gave herself permission to not freak out while she decided what she wanted to have for dinner. Much better idea than watching her phone. Olin texted back a few minutes later. She wouldn’t say she was giddy, exactly, but as she read the message over again, she was definitely fighting the smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Meegan sat in her car, willing Daniel to text her back. Over the years, they’d created a sort of greatest hits library of their scenes together. While she waited for him to respond, she figured she should ask Marcos too, since he was in so many of their clips. And yes, she realized that she definitely should have contacted Marcos before this.
Hey boo. I’m doing the worst thing.
Emerging from the shadows to ask a small favor.
I met a man. I wanna show him some of our clips so he can see what he’s getting himself into.
She bit her lip, feeling like a complete dick. She loved Marcos so much, but lately it was tough for her to be around him. In a weird way he was like her mirror twin. Where Daniel saw right through her, he reacted with care and comfort. Never pushed just so he could keep their friendship close. Marcos’s personality was big and bold just like hers. He loved her hard, but he had this way of making everyone around him own their shit. She knew if she saw Marcos face to face she’d really crumble. And sure, who didn’t love a cathartic cry, but then Marcos would go back to TK and Meegan would be left once again to deal with the aftermath alone. She was hiding from Marcos a little and she knew it had to stop. It felt like a sign when he responded right away.
Hey love!
No worries at all ??
Just asked Teak. All and every clip are game.
Especially for a new man!
You are the best. And I know I suck.