Page 40 of Meegan
“I know. I’d rather go on the road with them than have him quit. Duke would kill me.”
“Oh, he would,” Meegan laughed. “He called Mason his new muse. Maybe you should talk to the team about logistics. Duke had a girlfriend ages ago, Ari? She went on tour with him once. And I think Pongo’s wife went out last time.” Their drummer’s wife was now pregnant.
“No, you’re right. She told me she only stayed behind because of the baby.”
“Look, you aren’t working full time. If I were you, I’d book a flight to—where’s their next show? I love Duke, but I’m not keeping up like a good cousin should.”
Xeni laughed this time. “They are in Philly, then Boston.”
“I will text Duke personally and tell him to have Maritza arrange to have you waiting with nothing but a big bow and a smile in Mason’s hotel room.” Meegan watched all the emotions play over Xeni’s face. “Just do it.”
“Okay, fine, I will. You’ve bullied me into seeing my own husband.”
“Good. And that definitely reminds me that I should probably tell Duke I’m dating his friend,” Meegan winced. He would find out by Friday because there was no way her mom wouldn’t bring up the gala while everyone was sitting down to eat.
“So are we dating now?”
Meegan felt herself blushing as she nodded. “I think I like him. The deal is still on, but I do want to give this a try.”
“Good.” Xeni looped her arm through Meegan’s and started toward the house. They were the last to arrive. The girls swarmed Xeni and she explained again why she had red puffy eyes. Daniel came through with some amazing homemade pizza and champagne, and Shae was ready with three different flavors of cupcakes. Meegan made her own plate and then maneuvered her way across the kitchen to Daniel.
“Hi, um. Can we talk?” she asked, trying to keep her voice casual. She usually waited until the end of the night if they needed to talk about kinky business, but this couldn’t wait. The text from Olin was still burning a hole in her phone.
“Yeah, of course. Everything okay?” Daniel asked. He reached under her ponytail and rubbed the back of her neck. It helped a little, but a sudden burst of nerves hit her stomach. She needed to get this right.
“Yeah. I just need advice.”
“Come on.” He nodded toward his office. Meegan followed him back as the girls headed into the living room. Meegan turned as she felt Keira walk up behind her.
“Everything good?” she asked. She did a little hop step and put her hands on Meegan’s hips.
“I just need Daniel’s expert advice. Come in, though. I can use all the help I can get.” After Daniel took his seat at his drafting table, and Meegan and Keira dropped on the couch, Meegan let out a deep breath.
“Hi. So, turns out I’ve never brought a top into the scene before. He’s super sweet and things are going well, but I feel like I’m kinda fucking up. Going too fast. Doing things out of order.”
“Back up. Tell us what happened,” Daniel said.
“We watched my birthday scene.”
Daniel shook his head, a little smile touching the corner of his lips. “Marcos was such a little shit.”
“Oh, I liked that one,” Keira chuckled.
“Did you make it to the end?”
“We didn’t, but it was my fault,” Meegan replied.
“Okay. So, tell me what the problem is.”
“I got ahead of myself, topping from the bottom. I recovered, but still. I should not be in charge. I’ve been telling him what I like, but I need to bring him all the way back. I’m scared that what I want in the scene might override what he truly wants because he’s not fully educated.” Just saying the words actually lifted a huge weight off her shoulders.
“Okay, so let’s educate him,” Daniel said. “Send him the whole novice dossier we provide at The Club.”
“Yeah, Grant and Violet just did an update with my and Nilah’s input,” Keira added.
“Oh! That’s great,” Meegan replied. Nilah was married to their friend and Keira’s business partner at their gym, Melrose Fitness. Her husband, Armando, was an extremely experienced Dom, kind and warm, giving and empathetic. Nilah was, in her own words, an emotionally sensitive bitch. It took her a while to defrost at The Club, but as Meegan got to know her, Nilah had opened up about how important it was to be given space to go slow in the lifestyle. Now she had her own persona at The Club. Cold and unapproachable, unless you were lucky enough to have her harsh gaze turned in your direction. People loved it. Meegan would check out the update just to see what Nilah had to say.
“That will help for sure, but I don't think I know how to guide him as a Dom. It’s just not my wheelhouse.”