Page 48 of Meegan
Also, I’m part way through the checklist.
Oh yeah. How’s that going?
This was the worst time to be thinking about Olin and the checklist.
Good. The biohazard stuff is a hard no.
But I think we can figure out a way for you to put hygienic sexually appropriate things in my ass.
Meegan sat up on the couch like a Jack in the Box. She realized then that she still had a lot of lingering doubt. That maybe the checklist would be too much, the dossier too involved. She’d been in the community for almost twenty years and, in a lot of ways, she’d just scratched the surface. It would be so easy for Olin to hit a whole wall of hard nos or just one simple thing that he couldn’t get beyond and that would be that. But butt stuff? That changed things.
I’m on my cousin’s couch under my little cousin’s anime blanket.
I’m gonna have to postpone thinking about either of us naked until I’m back home.
We will table this conversation for another day.
Get some sleep.
I’ll see you soon.
Not soon enough, but okay.
Night. ??
She dropped her phone in her lap, shaking her head clear. She’d almost typedI love you.
Olin finally understood the whole “absence makes the heart grow fonder” adage. He had a great time with his family. He thanked Alex privately for waiting until they were all together to drop the news about their mom, her marriage and even the fact that he had reestablished contact with her. The news didn’t go down easily. Olin watched his dad carefully over the next few days, but he seemed okay. Maybe it was a kind of closure he needed, proof that she wouldn’t come storming back in to ask him for some planet-shifting favor, if you call taking full custody of two kids a favor. Whatever mistakes may be in Kathleen’s future were a new man’s problem and Lars could finally wash his hands of her. Cheers to that.
His dad said maybe two whole sentences about the woman he’d met at the dog park, but things must have been serious enough because Friday morning they were down at the shelter to pick up Mosley, a white and black pit bull terrier that reminded his dad of Petey from the Little Rascals. Mosley was goofy and sweet, and even though Pam was a little skittish around him at first, by Friday night they were snoozing together on the living room floor. Mosley fit right in.
By the time they dropped Wes back at the airport, he was confident in his decision to move to LA and not get back with Sadie. They’d gotten together months before the pandemic, but Wes finally realized the bond they’d built in quarantine together wasn’t healthy. He also admitted that Sadie was kinda mean, which Olin knew, but his brother had been in love so he’d kept his mouth shut. Olin offered to take care of everything around the move and to his surprise, Wes accepted. Clearly he needed to get the fuck out of New York.
All in all, it had been a long but much-needed week. Unfortunately it didn’t end with him running right back to Meegan because she had to teach and then there was TV night with her friends. Olin woke up Tuesday morning with a new sense of resolve. He’d come across some interesting things in his reading and, before he talked himself out of it, he had Brianna call down to the Tiffany & Co. location in Santa Monica. A young woman named Steffi was waiting for him when he arrived. She walked Olin through the whole store and was more than happy with the amount of money he decided to spend.
By the time Meegan texted him, saying she was leaving work on Tuesday afternoon, he felt like his bones were trying to climb out of his skin. He ran a few more errands before he had to get ready for their evening out. They were meeting the other couples that night at seven thirty at Din Tai Fung in Century City. Olin called ahead and verified the reservation was under Daniel Song. He covered the bill in advance and, after speaking with the manager, guaranteed they’d have the table until they were ready to leave. Olin wasn’t trying to throw his weight around. They just had a lot to discuss and he didn’t want to feel rushed.
He was at Meegan’s door at six forty-five. When she opened it, he finally felt like he could breathe again. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her face as she smiled up at him
“Well, hello stranger.”
“Ma’am,” he teased, his tone dry. She leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips and Olin had to remind himself they had somewhere to be and LA traffic to battle to get there. He pulled her closer, ending the kiss with a hug that lasted until the warmth of her seeped into his skin. She smelled like roses and something uniquely Meegan that he could see himself drowning in.
She stepped back and smoothed her hands over his chest. He had a white t-shirt under a Thom Browne letterman’s sweater that Brianna had picked out for him.
“You know, living together would make this a lot easier,” she said. Olin knew she was joking, but it was nice to hear that she hadn’t enjoyed their time apart either.
“Break your lease and we’ll call it done.”
“Come in. I just need to put on my boots.” She turned so he could follow. Olin stepped inside and finally took a good look so he could see she was wearing a long, dark orange dress that showed off her cleavage. She stepped into some brown cowboy boots, pulled on a dark jean jacket and grabbed her purse, and they headed to his car.
It was a simple thing, but he liked having Meegan beside him in his Mercedes. Meegan caught him up on Duke’s surprise visit and sheepishly admitted how high they had gotten. He felt himself smiling, wishing he’d been there to see it. Their Black Friday shopping had been a success. She’d picked up the dress she was currently wearing.
“It looks great on you,” Olin said, glancing over to look at the orange fabric draped over her thighs.
“Thanks. My boobs especially look great in it.”